Simcom Sim900 GSM module produced by the company prepared for the PCB module and ATMEGA32 microcontroller based on Nokia 3310 lcd display GSM module for remote control application SIM900D (place of origin: CN; proteus… Electronics Projects, SIM900 Module PCB AVR Applications “avr project, microcontroller projects, “
Simcom Sim900 GSM module produced by the company prepared for the PCB module and ATMEGA32microcontroller based on Nokia 3310 lcd display GSM module for remote control application SIM900D (place of origin: CN; proteus isis circuit), free with operating systems, Linux-style with the program PuTTY SSH protocol used by a connection through the application. PCB files prepared with Diptrace source. “dip” drawing files with the extension.
source: alternative link: sim900-module-pcb-avr-applications.rar alternative link2