TEA5767 is a digital radio, especially mp3 and fm radio module @ETE before “TEA5767 Pic16f628 Digital PLL-controlled FM radio receiver system” article is controlled with the Pic16f628 microcontroller used in this project, the radio… Electronics Projects, Digital radio circuit TEA5767 AT89S8253 “avr project, microcontroller projects, “
TEA5767 is a digital radio, especially mp3 and fm radio module @ETE before “TEA5767 Pic16f628 Digital PLL-controlled FM radio receiver system” article is controlled with the Pic16f628 microcontroller used in this project, the radio project shared AT89S8253 audio output amplifier IC with raised TBA820. There are additional features not included in the standard controls on the circuit, but boxing is very chic
Source: as.elte-s.com/zrob/radio_tea5767.htm alternative link: digital-radio-circuit-tea5767-at89s8253.rar