AT90S2313P 200 watt dimmer circuit is controlled from RS232 port with MOC3021 opto isolated triac driver control program running on xp pretty simple hex to asm code pcb diagram AT90S2313P There have also dosyalarıda… Electronics Projects, Computer Controlled 8-Channel Dimmer Circuit 200W AT90S2313P”avr project, microcontroller projects, “
AT90S2313P 200 watt dimmer circuit is controlled from RS232 port with MOC3021 opto isolated triac driver control program running on xp pretty simple hex to asm code pcb diagram AT90S2313P There have also dosyalarıda pc program source code. rs232dimmer.asm, rs232dimmer.hex, dimmer.vbp, dimmer.vbw, dimmer.frx
8 channel mains dimmer
The heart of the dimmer is a ATTiny2313. the AVR performs three tasks: – It receives new data via the com port, – He receives pulses and the power of positive to negative goes and vice versa, this is called the zero crossing. – He makes 8 pulse-width modulated signal (PWM) with a frequency of 100 Hz. these signals are equal to the zero crossings from the mains.
The PWM signals control 8 optotriacs. These are optocouplers but with a built-in low power triac which can switch. In this project be MOC3021 optocoupler used. You can also add other optotriacs use as long as they have no zero-crossing detection, because working not if you want dim.

source: COMPUTER CONTROLLED 8-CHANNEL DIMMER CIRCUIT Computer Controlled 8-Channel Dimmer Circuit pcb schematic avr source code pc program alternative link: computer-controlled-8-channel-dimmer-circuit-200w-at90s2313p.rar