3D Video Game Control Using Atmega32
Introduction Our project is a 3-dimensional game control for a video game displayed on a black and white television set. Motivation and Overview In the recent push in technology, many new computer and...
View Article3D Maze in a Box video game Using Atmega32
Introduction Maze in a Box is a portable game in which you tilt a TV to navigate your way around a 3D maze as though you were in it. We created Maze in a Box as a challenge to generate 3D looking...
View ArticleHigh Speed Photography Controller Using Atmega32
The goal of this project was to build a versatile, yet easy to use, sensor-triggered camera controller for high speed photography. Dan Furie (djf35) Scott Linderman (swl28) High Level Design...
View ArticleBordFree Using Atmega32
Introduction BordFree is a resurrection of the classic Microsoft hit SkiFree featuring an innovative tilt-control scheme. BordFree places users in the boots of a snowboarder navigating a challenging...
View Article5x5x5 LED Cube – Orientation Independent 3D Display Using Atmega32
Introduction Our project, in one sentence, is an orientation independent 3D LED display. We were inspired by various videos on youtube of similar cubes but also by the idea of creating an interactive...
View ArticleVirtual Keyboard Using Atmega32
Introduction It is becoming increasingly difficult for users to interact with the slew of portable gadgets they carry, especially in the area of text entry. Although miniature displays and keyboards...
View ArticleNetworked Biometric Authentication Using Atmega32
Introduction: Due to the increasing need for securing data and places, the biometric authentication industry is seeing large market growth. We decided to build a scalable, small, and efficient device...
View ArticleDueling Banjos Using Atmega32
Introduction Our project was to create two individual microcontrollers that can play banjo notes cooperatively to play two-part songs using nothing but sound to communicate and synchronize. Humans have...
View ArticleAir Drums Using Atmega32
Introduction One Sentence Sound Bite Air Drums is an electronic drum kit played in the air that eliminates the need for tactile drum pads. Summary We created an electronic percussion set with three...
View ArticleTrumpet MIDI Controller Using Atmega32
The Trumpet MIDI Controller allows trumpet players the freedom of synthesizing from and composing on their native instrument. The Trumpet MIDI Controller combines custom hardware and software with the...
View ArticleRhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer Using Atmega32
I. Introduction The Rhythm Ring interactive rhythm sequencer is an engaging musical device that enables the user to create a plethora of rhythms and beat patterns with the touch of their own fingers....
View ArticlePowerBox: The Safe AC Power Meter Using Atmega32
Introduction We designed a device that measures and graphs various aspects of AC power and acts as a computer-controlled remote switch. With the recent push for green energy and environmental...
View ArticleRobot Plotter Using Atmega32
Motivation Deciding a direction of the final project in ECE 4760 can be very difficult. With small Micro Controller Unit, we can build anything and everything. We felt compelled to find something very...
View ArticleTic Tac Toe with CMOS Camera Using Atmega32
Introduction Using computer vision and rules for a perfect tic tac toe game, we have built a system that would never lose in a fair game (i.e. marking 1 cell per turn) of tic tac toe. The idea is...
View ArticleProgrammable Synthesized Guitar Using Atmega644
Introduction Our project recreates the experience of playing an acoustic guitar electrically using vibration sensors, push buttons and the Karplus-Strong algorithm. Our basic idea is to model an...
View ArticleMusical Blocks Using Atmel ATmega 644
ntroduction The purpose of this project is to create musical blocks that output music without requiring some sort of musical talent. Musical Blocks tracks the position of the blocks on a flat surface...
View ArticleWii Conductor Using Atmega32
Introduction Our project can be described as a simplified implementation of Wii-Music, utilizing a Nintendo Wii Remote (Wiimote) to play a gesture-based music game with the player as a virtual music...
View ArticleHeliostat Skylight Using Atmega644
Introduction With the increasing awareness of sustainable and green building, more and more people are concerned with the efficiency of energy use at home and at work. For our ECE 476 Final Project, we...
View ArticleMultisensor Data Transmission Using Atmega32
Introduction For our final project we built a prototype of a circuit intended for a picosatellite that measures temperature and acceleration, sending the information wirelessly back to a base station...
View ArticleVoice Tuner and its Effects Using Atmega644
Introduction Sound Bite Our project implements a tuner that continuously outputs the frequency of an input microphone signal with a high degree of accuracy. Project Summary This project’s goal is to...
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