Multichannel USB Analog Sensor using ATMega48 Microcontroller
Sometimes it’s tempting to re-invent the wheel to make a device function exactly the way you want. I am re-visiting the field of homemade electrophysiology equipment, and although I’ve already...
View ArticleOn/Off Controller – Interfacing Touch LCD LC7981 using ATMega Microcontroller
Contents 1 Concept 2 Specification 2.1 Program requirements: 2.2 Simulation/Measurements: 2.3 Documentation: 3 Principle of this on/off controller 4 User Manual 4.1 Controller 4.2 Picture Converter 5...
View ArticleLed Blink Code – Hello World Led using atmega16 in C
Configuring the microcontroller before running it the first time: Fuse bytes : high and low Program them once before you start using the micro-controller Disable JTAG to free up PORTC for normal use...
View ArticleAVR-GCC LCD library – mixed pin support using Atmega328P
Some time ago we have posted alphanumeric AVR-GCC LCD library. It works fine in 8-bit and 4-bit modes. But it has some limitations that some people may find annoying. One of them is requirement that...
View ArticleTemperature sensor with time and date display on graphical LCD using Atmega32
Some time ago I’ve build a prototyping board with graphical LCD. It have served for various small projects and prototypes. Had a spare temperature sensor DS18B20 and decided to put simple temperature...
View ArticleInterfacing rotary encoder to Atmega32
Recently I was working on a project that involved rotary encoder. I thought I’d share some thoughts on how rotary encoder can be interfaced and programmed. Actually it is easy to work with rotary...
View ArticleRunning TX433 and RX433 RF modules with AVR microcontrollers using Atmega8
Sometimes in embedded design you may want to go wireless. Might be you will want to log various readings of remotely placed sensors, or simply build a remote control for robot or car alarm system....
View ArticleProgramming AVR ADC module with WinAVR using Atmega8 microcontroller
Most of AVR microcontrollers have Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) integrated in to chip. Such solution makes embedded designers life much easier when creating projects and programming them. With no...
View ArticleSimple signal drawing on graphical LCD routines using Atmega8 microcontroller
During spare time I have been playing with graphical LCD. This time I decided to display simple signals that are stored in microcontroller memory. The idea was to read signal values from look-up table...
View ArticleOutput number when button is pressed using Atmega16 microcontroller
This is simple demo program of reading button state, lighting LEDs, sending information via USART. 8 buttons are connected to Atmega16 port A, 8 LEDs to port B via current limiting resistors. While...
View ArticleAVR-GCC 4 bit and 8 bit LCD library using ATmega8 microcontroller
Standard alphanumeric LCD display controlled by 74HC164 LCD controller can accept 8 bit data bytes or 4 bit nibbles. Earlier my 4 bit and 8 bit LCD libraries were split in separate files as they were...
View ArticleMeasuring motor speed and display result on LCD using ATmega8 microcontroller
For measuring motos speed there can Optical interrupter used like H21A1. This is a device where IR LED and photo-transistor is coupled in to plastic housing. The gap between then allows interrupting...
View ArticleSimplified AVR LCD routines using ATmega8 microcontroller
Controlling numeric LCD isn’t so tricky as it may look like. O course you can find numbers of LCD libraries. One of more universal you can find in AVRLIB library for WinAVR AVR GCC compiler. Main...
View ArticleAVR LCD menu routine using ATmega8 microcontroller
Lets have some practice and write simple AVR LCD menu routine. For this we need to write LCD control library. I decided not to use one from AVRLIB. LCD controlling isn’t difficult just a few lines of...
View ArticleServo motor control using Atmega8 microcontroller
Servo motors are so called “closed feedback” systems. This means that motor comes with control circuit, which senses if motor mechanism is in desired location and if not it continuously corrects an...
View Article4×4 keypad example using AVR-GCC C language
This is as simple routine how to read 4×4 keypad keys using AVR-GCC language. The keypad is connected to AVR microcontroller 8 bit port. In this example it is B port. You can change ports depending on...
View ArticleAVR Programmer using ATTINY2313 microcontroller
INTRODUCTION AVR910 is a very useful programmer. It can program almost complete range of AVR chips. The original version made by Klaus is here,...
View ArticleATMEL AVR ATMega 8535/16/32 and ATMEL AT89S5x Family Learning Kit
Both Mainboard Features Pin compatible for 40-pin AVR and AT89S5x family Microcontrollers Single sided PCB, header for 4 I/O ports, ISP port and RS-232 port Built in +5V voltage regulator LM7805 with...
View ArticleData Acquisition System using ATmega8
Introduction We can use a PC for connecting the homemade data acquisition hardware and produce the GUI for user friendly graphical presentation easily. One of the project that uses Visual Basic is the...
View ArticleProject Development Board using ATTiny2313 microcontroller
This is my first time using the AVR. I like to learn using the ATTiny 2313, because it is faster than MCS-51, cheap and the circuit is very simple. The chip has only 20 pins. I was interested because I...
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