Small Footprint ATMega328P Board
For my Word Clock project, for which I built a custom 8 x 8 LED Matrix with controller, I needed a much smaller footprint DIY-Duino (board for an ATMega328P microprocessor), one that would have all......
View ArticleArduino atmega644/1284 clone
This project is about to DIY an Arduino board wth an ATMEGA644P or 1284P to have more INPUTS/OUTPUTS than on the atmega328P. You can buy an arduino mega but it’s more expensive. The... Engineering...
View ArticleAtmega168 TV-B-Gone
Yes, I know what you are thinking: “oh no, please not another TVBGone…” Anyway, this instructable is for the newbies as me which are still experimenting with Arduino, and prefer to... Engineering...
View ArticleHow to interface RFID with AVR ATmega32 microcontroller
RFID is most arguably a evolutionary wireless technology which boosted working of embedded devices up to great mark. And there is plenty of systems and devices working based on this technology. This......
View ArticleWorking with Atmel AVR Microcontroller Basic Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)...
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique widely used in modern switching circuit to control the amount of power given to the electrical device. This method simply switches ON and OFF the power......
View ArticleColor Video Game on AVR
Introduction Our project is to make a color video game that runs primarily on the ATmega 1284P. To do this, we adhered to the NTSC standard for color video. The sync signals used for NTSC are......
View ArticleWeek 11: Networking with ESP8266
For this week I set out to make a board that will show realtime MBTA bus arrival times using the ESP8266 wifi module and a LCD. Seemed doable. People of the internet have been excited about the......
View ArticleWorry-Free Automatic Timed Plant Feeder
Description Do you often forget to irrigate your plants? Do you have to ask your neighbors to take care of them when your whole families are out for a vacation? Don’t worry any more! Here is a......
View ArticleHow to Interface an External EEPROM with AVR Atmega32
In this article, we will explain how to communicate to an external EEPROM from the AVR Atmega32 MCU using the I2C communication protocol. So let’s begin our tutorial on how to interface an EEPROM......
View ArticleHow to Establish A PC-Micro controller USART communication
Introduction USART is one of the primitive inter-device communication protocols. It is not used in modern computers. But still, a few mother boards come with the module necessary for an USART......
View ArticleLCD Interfacing with AVR
Interfacing LCD Display in 8bit Mode I’ve already discussed about the LCD display in a note here in this website. You can read the Note on character LCD Display here. Now let us come to the......
View ArticleAn AVR-Based Microstepping Bipolar Chopper Stepper Motor Driver (STMD)
Features Open Source – The schematic, parts list, and software are all freely downloadable! Hobbyist-friendly – No surface mount parts means allows this drive to be easily repaired! DMOS... Engineering...
View ArticleAtmel AVR ATMega16 Interfacing WIth 16×2 char LCD
An alphanumeric low cost LCD Display is very essential for may small and big projects to Display various type of information. Hitachi HD44780 Chipset based 16×2 char LCD is Really very cheap......
View ArticlePWM Motor Driver with MOSFET H-Bridge and AVR ATmega8
Here is a very simple project of controlling a small DC-motor (taken from an old personal cassette player) with ATmega8. The ATmega8 is having three PWM channels, out of which two are used here. PWM......
View ArticleA simple brushless sensored motor driver for AVR Atmega
Brushless electric motor (BLDC motors) are synchronous motors that are powered by a DC electric source via an integrated inverter/switching power supply, which produces an AC electric signal to...
View ArticleCheap CO2 meter using the MQ135 sensor with AVR ATmega
MQ135 is an Air Quality Sensor suitable for detecting of NH3, Alcohol, Benzene and other gases. The description below, is what i derive from the poor datasheet of this sensor, it may be uncorrect,...
View ArticleA web configurable Xively logger, build on AVR ATmega328
Xively (formerly Cosm and before that Pachube) is a platform devoted to simplifying the interconnection of devices and data with applications on the Internet of Things. It is an on-line database......
View ArticleCT Sensor on AVR ATmega
A CT (Current Transformers) sensor is a device used to measure alternating current. A CT sensor, like other current transformers is made by a primary winding, a magnetic core and a secondary...
View ArticleA DIY A4 Laser Engraver made from a scanner and a printer on ATmega328
This “Get Ready For Win98” Laser Engraving Machine it’s built using an old scanner, and an old printer. A laser engraving machine is a tool that uses lasers to engrave an object.... Engineering Latest...
View ArticleInLinea01: A PID controlled line following robot build on an ATmega 8
InLinea01 is a simple PID controlled line following robot. This is not speed oriented line follower, this is just a prototype I built to experiment with this type or machines, though it can be the......
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