Microcontroller Projects: Sonar Water-Level Meter
Share this: Three-fourths of the earth is water, out of which 97 per cent is saline (in oceans, seas and groundwater). The remaining 2.5 per cent to 2.75 per cent is fresh water, out of which 1.75 per...
View ArticleTemperature Controlled DC Fan using Microcontroller
Share this: A Temperature Controlled DC Fan is a system which automatically turns on a DC Fan when the ambient temperature increases above a certain limit. Generally, electronic devices produce more...
View ArticleLine Follower Robot using Microcontroller
Share this: Have you ever made your own robot? Here is a very simple and easy robot. In this project, I will explain how to design and build a Line Follower Robot using microcontroller. The Line...
View ArticleMicrocontroller Projects: Home Automation System
Share this: In this era of digital revolution, we are surrounded by smart devices that are capable of making decisions on their own without much human intervention. Our home can also be made smart by...
View ArticleDensity Based Traffic Signal System using Microcontroller
Share this: Nowadays, controlling the traffic becomes major issue because of rapid increase in automobiles and also because of large time delays between traffic lights. So, in order to rectify this...
View ArticleAVR Microcontroller. Toggle LED’s Using a Push Button Switch. Push Button...
Share this: In this section, we will learn How to make program C code for ATMega328PU to toggle the status of the three LED’s according to the input from a button switch. Also, we have explored a...
View ArticleAVR Microcontroller Fuse Bits Configuration. Creating and Uploading in the...
Share this: In this case we will create simple program in C code and burn it into the memory of the microcontroller. We will write our own program and compile the hex file, using the Atmel Studio as...
View ArticleCheap STK500 AVR Programmer for Atmel Studio
Share this: Atmel Studio is a powerful tool for making AVR programs, but writing a program is the first step. To use your program, you must make a circuit and transfer your code into the...
View ArticleGetting Started With Atmel AVR and BASCOM
Share this: I have seen plenty of Instructables showing how to work with microprocessors, but they all assume that you have worked with them before and know what you are doing. I have not seen an...
View ArticleIntroduction to ADC in AVR Microcontroller | for Beginners
Share this: In thid tutorial you will know everything ADC in avr microcontroller Step 1: What Is an ADC? An ADC, or Analog to Digital Converter, allows one to convert an analog voltage to a digital...
View ArticleAVR Microcontroller. Pulse Width Modulation. Сontroller of DC Motor and LED...
Share this: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a very common technique in telecommunication and power control. it is commonly used to control the power fed to an electrical device, whether it is a motor,...
View ArticleHow to Use the Dragon Rider 500 With Your AVR Dragon
Share this: This instructable is a crash course in how to use some of the features of the Dragon Rider 500 from Ecros Technologies. Please be aware that there is a very detailed User’s Guide available...
View ArticleSwiss AVR Knife
Share this: The Swiss AVR Knife bundles a number of AVR programming projects together in a single convenient Altoids Gum Tin. Because of the flexibility afforded by microcontroller programming, it also...
View ArticleInterfacing PS2 Controller With AVR -Bit Bang
Share this: Hey friends in this instructable I will show you how to interface sony PS2 controller with AVR microcontroller .This will be your handy code which you can be used in future to control...
View ArticleDebugging AVR Code in Linux With Simavr
Share this: I recently started programming AVR chips, namely the ATTiny85. They can be programmed using C, compilers are readily available in Ubuntu, and you can do a LOT with them – just search for...
View ArticleTemperature Sensor(LM35 ) Interfacing With ATmega32 and LCD Display|...
Share this: Step 1: In this project, You will learn How to interface a Temperature Sensor(LM35 ) with AVR ATmega32 Microcontroller and LCD display. Before This Project you have to need Learn about...
View ArticleMeasuring Tempurature Using Sensor(LM35) and Atmega32
Share this: A digital thermometer is a good project in microcontrollers because it provides an opportunity to learn using sensors to measure the real world signals that are analog in nature. I am...
View ArticleHomemade Battery Monitor Using AVR
Share this: I want to share my experiment with voltage divider, ADC and AVRHomemade battery monitor using AVRIt’s pretty simple the sensor are only two resistors and zener diode with capasitor, I don’t...
View ArticleLearn About Microcontrollers
Share this: This Instructable was designed to answer the question: how do I get started in microcontrollers? Now, in clear, simple English, you can learn what a microcontroller is, and how to use one....
View ArticleLow Speed AVR Oscilloscope V2.00 (Is Updated on 19 Mar 2011)
Share this: >> The firmware was updated on 19 Mar 2011 << A few months ago a friend of mine -car mechanical at profession- told me that he had problem with some car sensors. He couldn’t...
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