EBot8 Object Following Robot
Share this: Have you ever wondered to make a robot that follows wherever you go? But just couldn’t? Well… Now you can! We present you the object following robot! Go for this tutorial,like and vote and...
View ArticleMusic Synthesizer Based on DE0-Nano-SoC
Share this: Music Synthesizer This music synthesizer is quite simple : you just have to blow, sing, or even play music in front of the microphone, and the sound will be modulated and sent through the...
View ArticleFun Micro:bit Robot – EASY and Inexpensive!
Share this: BBC micro:bits are great! They are easy to program, they’re packed with features like Bluetooth and an accelerometer and they’re inexpensive. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to build a...
View ArticleDIY Temperature Logger With STM32F103, MicroSD Card and DS18B20
Share this: I’m currently building a temperature logger for some guys doing a research in biology. Tried to make it as small as possible, with temperature sensor that can be crammed in small space....
View ArticleMemory-Card Made of CMOS EPROM’s
Share this: The instructable created by me will help you to build a huge memory capactiy which will come in handy for many projects and measurements. The memory card is suitable for multi-usage and can...
View ArticleKeypad Interface With 8051 and Displaying Keypad Numbers in 7 Segment
Share this: In this tutorial I’m going to tell you about how we can interface keypad with 8051 and displaying keypad numbers in 7 segment display Step 1: Software Used As we are showing proteus...
View ArticleHow to Count From 0 to 99 Using 8051 Microcontroller With 7 Segment Display
Share this: Hello everyone, In this tutorial we are going to tell you about how to count from 0 to 99 using two 7 segment display. Step 1: Software Used: As we are showing proteus simulation so FOR...
View ArticleInterfacing 8051 Microcontroller With Lcd in 4-bit Mode
Share this: In this tutorial we are going to tell you about how we can interface lcd with 8051 in 4-bit mode. Step 1: Software Used: As we are showing proteus simulation so FOR CODING AND SIMULATION...
View ArticleInterfacing 8051 Microcntroller With 16*2 Lcd in Proteus Simulation
Share this: This is a very basic project of 8051. In this project we are going to tell you about how we can interface 16*2 lcd to 8051 microcontroller. So here we are using full 8 bit mode. In the next...
View ArticleHow to Control ESP8266 Based Sonoff Basic Smart Switch With a Smartphone
Share this: Sonoff is a device line for Smart Home developed by ITEAD. One of the most flexible and inexpensive devices from that line are Sonoff Basic. It is a Wi-Fi enabled switch based on a great...
View ArticleDigital Clock Using Microcontroller (AT89S52 Without RTC Circuit)
Share this: Lets describe a clock… “Clock is a device that counts and shows time(relative)”!!! Guess I said it right so lets make a CLOCK with ALARM feature. NOTE: it will take 2-3 minutes in reading...
View ArticleHow to Flash MicroPython Firmware on a ESP8266 Based Sonoff Smart Switch
Share this: What’s Sonoff? Sonoff is a device line for Smart Home developed by ITEAD. One of the most flexible and inexpensive devices from that line are Sonoff Basic and Sonoff Dual. These are Wi-Fi...
View ArticleJar of Fireflies
Share this: This project uses green surface-mount LED’s along with an AVR ATTiny45 microcontroller to simulate the behavior of fireflies in a jar. (note: the firefly behavior in this video has been...
View ArticleBike Power Pedal IoT
Share this: Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth’s surface relatively to other such matter; second, telling other people to do so. The first kind is...
View ArticleSimple Altera FPGA Demo
Share this: This tutorial will show you how to turn on an LED using both the built-in LED on a development board as well as using a GPIO pin. I happen to be using a DE0 CV Dev board from Terasic. We...
View ArticleSolar Tide Clock
Share this: Tides. In Anchorage Alaska we live on a point located between two enormous tidal bays–so big in fact that Captain Cook on his initial survey of the area thought (hopeful thinking) that this...
View ArticleMicro:Bit Puppet “Text Messaging”!
Share this: Nearly all of our wireless communication is done using radio waves*, including phone calls, text messages, and WiFi. With its built-in radio transmitters and receivers, the Micro:Bit...
View ArticleMake a Pocket-Size Theremin With ESP32
Share this: Theremin are those unique instruments use to make those alien show theme songs or sound effect. You may have also heard it in Star Trek, Big Bang Theory, or even a haunted house. They...
View ArticleSolar Power System Monitoring
Share this: In this indestructible I will demonstrate how to make your Own Solar power Monitoring station .With materials ,Code and electronics parts. we will start with the PCB designed on a fritzing...
View ArticleInteractive LED Beer Pong Table
Share this: Create your own Interactive LED Beer Pong Table! This instructable will guide you through all of the steps to in order to create a one-of-a-kind beer pong table complete with cup detecting...
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