Adding REST-based Web Services to IoT Device for IO Monitoring
Share this: This project is to make a simple RESTful Web service library for IoT Devices. The library is written with C language code and on WIZwiki-W7500ECO platform board from WIZnet. With it, users...
View Article3D Printed Ethernet Telescope
Share this: I’ve seen PiKon. it’s great. i want make it. not original but add function!! so I made Ethernet Telescope. it’s Project name is WIZKon Telescope !! : ) Step 1: Prepare Material Need these…...
View ArticleIoT Device for Serial to Ethernet by Using TCP
Share this: I know WIZ550S2E solution for monitoring. Recently WIZwiki-W7500ECO platform was announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500ECO by WIZ550S2E SW modification because I...
View ArticleMicrocontroller Based Smart Battery Charger
Share this: The circuit what you are about to see is a smart battery charger based on ATMEGA8A with auto cut off.Different parameters are shown via a LCD during different charge states.Also the circuit...
View ArticleChipKIT Parking Obstacle Sensor
Share this: I’ve always thought it would be nice to have a car with a parking sensor. I don’t want to spend that kind of money until I pay off my student loans. However I do have the materials to make...
View ArticleReading Sensors With a Microprocessor.
Share this: In my previous Instructable I showed how simple commands could be used to turn on a microprocessor output and light an LED.… I should...
Share this: In this Instructable I will let you know the basic building block of a Quadcopter and how to make it in a very simple way.Only thing you need is some skill on Soldering and few basic...
View ArticleLinkIt ONE Powered Wall-E
Share this: In this instructables, we give a simple example of how to add voice output and distance sensing on everyone’s beloved robot with MediaTek LinkIt ONE. Step 1: Materials 1. Linkit One with...
View ArticleDC Motor Controller
Share this: This simple DC motor controller allows for one direction motor control and has been built entirely of reclaimed electrical parts. Using MOSFET’s for motor control instead of control chips,...
View ArticleDC Motor Multiplexer
Share this: This DC Motor Multiplexer allows you to control up to four DC motors in forward and reverse using one MOSFET and only 5 digital pins. For this intractable you will require: – DC motors (I...
View ArticleLinkit One Kitchen Timer
Share this: In this instructable I’m going to show you how to design a kitchen timer using the Linkit One, the timer has a maximum duration of 30 minutes. And once the timer is done counting down it...
View ArticleLinkit One Temperature Sensor
Share this: In this instructable I’m going to how you how to measure the temperature using a Linkit One and a Lm35 temperature sensor. This project can be a part of a wireless weather monitor, if you...
View ArticlePresence Notifier With Push Button
Share this: These days in families, both men and women have started working. Both men and women want to succeed in life and for this they have to work hard and spent more time in the offices. Due to...
View ArticleTheft Protector Using Tilt Sensor
Share this: These days theft has become a serious crime. People are now much more conscious towards there precious items are purses and jewellery but due to the busy routine of this life we are not...
View ArticleInteractive Television Show Game
Share this: Interactive TV is a tamil channel, Where we lot of programs and also interactive games by call the number and use the mobile button to play the game on the television. Want to do some thing...
View ArticleWireless Weather Indicator
I decided to use the Linkit One’s GSM capabilities to create a weather indicator. This would allow me to make something both practical and visually pleasing, a wireless weather indicator. Step 1:...
View ArticleLinkit ONE Touch LED
This instructable will guide you to glow an LED using a touch sensor which means that the LED will glow when you touch on the probe of the sensor. The project uses the Mediatek linkit one connected to...
View ArticleLinkit ONE: Flame Sensor
This instructable will guide you to use a flame sensor with the Mediatek Linkit ONE. A flame sensor is a device that can detect the presence of fire nearby. A buzzer connected to linkit one beeps when...
View ArticleLinkit One BT – Mobile As PC Joystick
Playing Games in PC is always fun. Play with joy stick with out key board is some more fun. No joy stick still no problem u play with your Android smart phone. First i think it is a very simple...
View ArticleRC Controlled Rgb Led Strip
Create your own rc controlled led-strip for individual room illumination! Most rgb-led-strips are controlled by an infrared remote control. To turn it off or on or change the color, you have to stay...
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