ProxMidi A capacitive MIDI sequencing platform
Introduction ProxiMIDI is a MIDI code generator, that takes its inputs from a user using Atmel’s Capacitive touch and Proximity technology. It can generate sound signals for 4 notes of 3 instruments...
View ArticleSnorecorder with SD Logging
Introduction Sound Byte The Snorecorder detects snoring sounds from a sleeping person and records the time and intensity of each snore. The data is written to an SD card, which can be easily viewed on...
Project Introduction Our project is a spatial audio map of Collegetown that allows the user to use a joystick to virtually travel around the Collegetown crossing area and hear surrounding, directional...
View ArticleATmega328P Standalone Board
In this step-by-step tutorial we will learn how to build a standalone Arduino UNO compatible ATmega328p board. ATmega328P Bare minimum configuration Before building our standalone ATmega328P chip...
View ArticleAVR-GCC
Background I’ve written dozens of programs using the Arduino IDE and using other tools like the ARM mBed toolchain. My priority for this week was to familiarize myself with avr-gcc and the Atmel...
View ArticleATmega Alien Themed Slot Machine
Story This project is my implementation of an alien themed slot machine using two ATmega328P-PU micro-controllers. I was inspired by Cory Potter’s Alien Invasion Slot Machine, and I wanted to expand on...
View ArticleATMEGA4808: Better than ATMEGA328?
In this final part of the series, I look at the ATMEGA4808. This may just be the replacement for the ATMEGA328 that I have been looking for. Story The ATMEGA4808 provides a very attractive solution to...
View ArticleAnother ATMEGA4808 Development Board
Another ATMEGA4808 Development Board turned out looking very well but highlighted some issues with supply and sourcing of components. Story ATMEGA4808 – An Improvement on my previous design? Or Not…...
View ArticleArduboy on ATMega4809
Porting Arduboy to the ATMega4809 and making it run on a Arduino Nano Every. Story After learning about the Arduboy on ATMega4809 challenge, we decided to join in the fun and port Arduboy to a new...
View ArticleSimple Standalone ATMega328p Microcontroller
In this project, we are going to look at how to design a simple standalone digital clock. Story A digital clock is a type of clock that displays the time using numerals or digits, rather than using a...
View ArticleProgram Artou ATmega32 Development Board
Program an AVR development board without installing any software. ExpressIDE and AVRdudess. Story ATmega32 Board Artou makes a development board with the ATmega32 processor. Like an Arduino Uno but...
View ArticleSetup External programmer in Atmel Studio
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to integrate an external programmer into Atmel Studio 7.0. By setting up the external programmer, you will be able to flash the AVR board...
View ArticleHard Drive Based AVR Programmer
The project we are presenting differs from the one initially proposed. Our original plan was to construct a WWVB time-code receiver capable of extracting highly precise time information from a 60 kHz...
View ArticleThe Atmel-ICE Debugger
1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction to the Atmel-ICE Atmel-ICE is a highly capable development tool designed for debugging and programming Atmel SAM and Atmel AVR microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex-M...
View ArticleProgramming in the C language for the ATmega16 microcontroller
Introduction “Programming is merely one facet of a more extensive puzzle. To effectively address a problem, programmers must thoroughly understand and navigate the entire problem-solving process before...
View ArticleProgramming ATmega32 External Interrupt
Numerous applications necessitate an external event to prompt an interrupt in the microcontroller, enabling it to respond accordingly. For instance, an interrupt might be initiated upon the detection...
View ArticleConnecting a 16×2 LCD to an ATmega32 AVR Microcontroller in 4-bit mode
Greetings, everyone! I’m here today to share a fascinating and straightforward method for connecting a 16×2 LCD to the Atmega32 microcontroller and writing the necessary code for it. I employed a 16×2...
View Article4×4 Keypad Interfacing with ATmega32 Microcontroller
In this guide, we will demonstrate how to connect a 4×4 keypad, which has 16 keys, to an ATMEGA32A microcontroller. It’s essential to recognize that keypads play a crucial role as input devices in...
View ArticleATMega32 AVR USART C programming examples
In the previous article, I discussed the USART module of the ATMega32 device, providing some practical examples. In this article, I will present additional USART examples that involve AVR C programming...
View ArticleTimer in AVR ATmega16/ATmega32
Introduction Typically, we employ a timer/counter to generate time intervals, waveforms, or tally events. Additionally, timers are utilized for purposes such as PWM generation and event capturing. In...
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