Channel: AVR ATmega Projects Archives - Projects Tutorials Code Library for Atmels Atmega32 AVR
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ODB-II Automotive data interface using Atmega644

Our goal for this project was to build an OBD-II compliant device that would communicate with any OBD-II enabled car and read back real time data as well as perform basic performance testing and...

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Digital Receipts System Using Atmega644

Introduction Our final project is a conceptual prototype of a digital receipt system. The basic idea is when making a purchase with a credit or ATM card, the transaction information is automatically...

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IR harp using Atmega644

INTRODUCTION Wouldnt it be cool to be this guy? Powerful laser shining into the audience, playing strings by sweeping your hands across the beams, rocking out in a room full of fog and fawning girls?...

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Der Kapellmeister Using Atmega644

Introduction This project is implemented with a glove, resembling a conducting baton that analyzes gestures and interprets them into musical elements. Der Kapellmeister is a simple tool that tests a...

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Touchpad/Infrared Music Synthesizer Using Atmega644

Touchpad/Infrared Music Synthesizer “Generate music with your laptop touchpad!” Wei-jiunn (Vic) Jang Kalina Jordanova The Touchpad Infrared Music Synthesizer uses a laptop touchpad and an infrared...

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LED Sensor Piano Keyboard Using atmega644

Introduction Our project utilizes an array of LEDs that work as light sensors to generate a musical tone, simulating a piano keyboard. The basic idea is to use LEDs as both emitters and sensors. For...

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Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs Using Atmega644

Contents Introduction High Level Design Program/Hardware Design Results of the Design Conclusions Appendix A: Commented Code Gesture Recognition Code PC Interface Code Appendix B: Schematics Appendix...

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3D scanner Using Atmega644

Introduction This goal of this project is to make an effective, low-cost 3D scanner. Summary Our project implements the hardware necessary for a laser triangulation 3D scanner as well as a PC user...

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3D ultrasonic mouse Using Atmega644

Introduction Ultramouse 3D times the delay of high-frequency sound waves from the unit held by the user to each of three receivers and passes this information along a serial cable to the computer. The...

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Haptic appointment manager Using Atmega644

Introduction The Haptic Appointment Manager manages all of an individuals appointments, ensuring they arrive on time and in the right location by subtly guiding them throughout the day. This system...

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Ultrasonic Haptic Vision System using Atmega644

Introduction The ultrasonic haptic vision system enables a person to navigate hallways and around large objects without sight, through the use of an ultrasonic rangefinder that haptically interfaces...

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ATmega644 JTAG Debugger

Introduction The purpose of this project was to design and implement a debugger for the ATmega644 that communicated through its JTAG interface and was capable of controlling program execution by...

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Haptic Exercise Coach Using Atmega644

Introduction The goal of this project was to assist the user in learning the proper technique for a physical exercise, in our case a dumbbell bicep curl. As our understanding of biology and anatomy...

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Guitar Blocks Using Atmega644

Introduction We present to you, the ultimate guitar — no strings attached (literally)! This guitar features an infrared strumming system and a fret board with physical buttons. It sounds like a real...

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Optical eye tracking Using Atmega644

Introduction We have endeavored to develop a means by which eye gaze can be detected. This goal was achieved using the same principles learned in Lab4, where we recorded the motor speed of a small hub...

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Digital Oscilloscope Using Atmega644

Introduction The goal of our project is to design a digital oscilloscope with 20 kHz bandwidth. The scopes that we use in ECE 4760 lab cost over one thousand dollars. The motivation of our project is...

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Self-Adaptive Hybrid Electro-Magnetic Levitation and Active Balancing System...

Introduction In short, our project is just an isolated floating plate. Just as our title explained, it is mainly a floating plate that is segregated from all outside vibration using electromagnetic...

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Home energy managment Using Atmega644a

Introduction Our project implements a smart algorithm in order to power a house with a photovoltaic, batteries or the power grid.  For this project, we worked closely with a research team whose goal is...

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Accelerometer Based Hand Action Recognition using Atmega644

Introduction We created a wearable game controller that uses accelerometers to acquire action of the hand and then maps an action to an arbitrary keystroke. The types of actions we are trying to...

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Mister Gloves – A Wireless USB Gesture Input System Using Atmega644

Introduction Mister Gloves is a wireless USB gesture input system that enables a person to use a computer by performing intuitive hand and finger motions in the air. While wearing a glove controller on...

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