Point of Sale Terminal Using Atmega644
Introduction Point of Sale systems typically can cost up to thousands of dollars we do it very simply for seventy. For small stores, point of sale systems can be very expensive. One thousand dollars...
View ArticleLow-Cost Portable Potentiostat for Biosensing Applications Using Atmega644
Introduction This project involves the design and construction of a low-cost portable potentiostat capable of performing cyclic voltammetry on three-electrode electrochemical systems. A potentiostat is...
View ArticleZigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System Using Atmega644
Introduction We designed a system for wirelessly controlling relays and monitoring current. This is used for a home load simulation. By wirelessly turning relays on and off by sending commands from a...
View ArticleAdaptive Alarm Clock Using Atmega644
Introduction Elevator Pitch / 1-second Description An adaptive alarm clock that chooses the optimal time to wake up the user using an accelerometer that detects his/her body movements. Goals The goal...
View ArticleAcoustic Data Modem Using Atmega644
Introduction For our final design project, we designed and built a prototype acoustic modem to serve as a physical transport layer for digital communications. It converts between a digital...
View ArticleFlexicopter Using Atmega644
Introduction The purpose of our project is to control a toy helicopter using flex sensors attached to a glove. The flex sensors are intended to replace the remote control that is generally used to fly...
View ArticleGesture Based Touchpad Security System Using Atmega644
Introduction The purpose of the project is to present a new approach on the design of security systems by using a touch sensitive device. Security is a permanent concern in a variety of environments...
View ArticleHeart Rate Display LED T-Shirt Using Atmega644
Introduction We have designed and built a LED t-shirt capable of displaying the heart rate of the wearer via a pulsing LED heart. Largely, our project consists of two components: the plethysmograph and...
View ArticleTalking voltmeter Using Atmega644
The Handy Lab Buddy is a tool every ECE should have. The four features of this tool include a talking voltmeter, logic probe, voltage averager, and frequency measurer. As a cheap and accurate device...
View ArticleCMOS Camera Rock Paper Scissors Game System Using Atmega644
Introduction We created a rock paper scissors game that utilizes a CMOS camera to determine what hand the human player plays. The player is required to wear a glove that has black tape taped on each...
View ArticleAutomated Pavlovian Classical Conditioning of Insects Using Atmega644
Introduction Several studies have shown that various insects possess learning and memory abilities. One approach researchers use to demonstrate such abilities is to “teach” the insect to exhibit a...
View ArticleAutomated Rock Band player Using Atmega644
Introduction For our final design project, we built an automated Rock Band player that can beat any Rock Band song by decoding the Xbox 360 video output and sending the appropriate button push and...
View ArticleUSB wireless tilt mouse Using Atmega644
Introduction We created a handheld mouse device that measures its tilt and then wirelessly transmits the data to a base unit, which is connected to a PC through a USB cable and can be recognized by...
View ArticleAuditory navigator Using Atmega644
Introduction Navigation in the past has primarily relied on the use of a map, compass or other devices that must be interpreted visually. This project demonstrates the ability to navigate a user based...
View ArticleHuman Tetris — Video object tracking Using Atmega644
We have created a real-time video object tracking / shape recognition device, and a fun game library to demonstrate its abilities. For our project, we wanted to push the video sampling and processing...
View ArticleHand controller for Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter Using Atmega644
Introduction Our project is a novel hand held controller in which we use an accelerometer to wirelessly control the motion of a Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter. Rationale: The main idea of our project was...
View Article3D Paint Using Atmega644
“A 3D canvas on which the artist can draw using trilaterated coordinates from ultrasonic delays.” Project Soundbyte For our final project in ECE 4760, we designed and implemented a three-dimensional...
View ArticleXBee RF Smart Energy Compliant Power Meter Using Atmega644
Motivation >A breaker-level power metering device for measuring energy on 4 different circuit lines and wirelessly outputting that energy data onto Google PowerMeter. Useful Links Google PowerMeter...
View ArticleHeat Control System Using Atmega644
Introduction This project was the first stage of developing a controller for a radiant floor heat system. The microcontroller will use inputs from thermostats, thermocouples, a flow meter, and pressure...
View ArticleMotion Sensing PowerPoint Controller Using Atmega644
Introduction For our Final Project in ECE 4760, we built a controller that interfaces with a computer running a PowerPoint display through USB. The device can control slide transitions based on hand...
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