Serial Monitor With ILI9341 and BluePill
Serial (ascii) monitor with 9 lines of 28 char.Baudrate from 2400 up to 256000 baud. Digital 3.3V or 5V input. Powered by a single Lithium-Ion battery. (3.7V nominal) Supplies: ILI9341 display (here a...
View ArticleFrequency Counter With Variable Gate Time
Frequency counter (reciprocal) Gate time selectable from 0.1 second up to 60 seconds Frequency range from 0.1 Hz up to 10 MHz (tested) Input 3.3V and 5V safe Uses a STM32F103C8 (Blue Pill) and 16×4...
View ArticleTotally Useless Coffee Dispenser…
So I have yet again over-engineered a task, this time, a freeze-dried coffee dispenser. Why you ask, well the obvious first, it’s super fun and second, it’s the best way to learn new skills. I’m a...
View ArticlePID Controlled Thermostat Using ESP32 (Applied to a Rancilio Silvia Coffee...
WarningThe Rancilio Silvia machine runs on high voltage. Any modification to it might be fatal to you or your machine, you act at your own risk and responsible for your modification. Any modification...
View ArticleAlways Know Where Home Is At
Introduction: I built this project as a birthday present for my oldest daughter. She had recently moved far from home and I wanted her to know her family was still there for her. I chose a Lord of the...
View ArticleIlluminated Cubes
This project is a follow up of the Illuminated Presents project that I posted earlier. My wife really liked the Illuminated Presents but kept them as Cubes and did not put a bow around it to turn them...
View Article[Gamer Assist] Haptic Feedback System for Games Using Esp8266
So, in this video we’ll be seeing how to build this haptic feedback device and the ambient light system which reacts to the player’s health value inside a PC game! For that we’ll be using the ESP-NOW...
View ArticleDual Cores & Interrupts on Pi Pico
The new Raspberry Pi Pico offers Dual Cores and Interrupts if you use MicroPython. I thought I would give it a go and try explain some of the pitfalls to avoid. This project keeps the action running...
View ArticleSmart Home With Multiple NodeMCU ESP8266 Network With Blynk
In this IoT project, I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation using Multiple NodeMCU ESP8266 network to control all the home appliances from the pushbuttons & Blynk App. If the...
View ArticleArbitrary Wave Generator With the Raspberry Pi Pico
Just two weeks ago, the pico, a new microcontroller, the pico, was released by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, well known for the incredibly successful series of Raspberry Pi single-board computers. The...
View ArticleBBC Micro:bit + WiFi + Phone Notifications
In this project we demonstrate BBC micro:bit how to connect it to WiFi and send a notification to a phone without writing a single line of code. The micro:bit comes with a microphone, among the other...
View ArticleSpin Bike Controller
SmartSpin2KÂ is an open hardware and software DIY module that converts BLE signals from a cycling APP (like Zwift, FulGaz, RGT, Sufferfest, etc.) and uses the information they broadcast to increase and...
View ArticleVFD Display for the TI83+ Calculator
This project builds upon the PIC/TI83+ interface developed by ThomasHenry (see Nuts & Volts August 2013 – A Mathematics Engine for Microcontrollers). Acknowledgment, appreciation, and kudos to him...
View ArticleFirefly Pickle Jar With Microbit and Neopixels
A motion sensitive firefly-filled pickle-jar that gets brighter when you move it, and then settles down to just twinkle a bit when its still. This project was inspired by a workshop led by Lila Finch...
View Article10 Channel Wi-Fi Switch for Smart Home
This device can help you automate your home, backyard, or whatever you want. Step 1: Gather the Components To build this device, you’ll need: ESP8266 x1;4-stage ripple (binary) counter (I can suggest...
View ArticleMicro:bit Controlled Tic Tac Toe Game
With the addition of micro:bit to Tinkercad’s Circuits editor, it is now possible to create circuits with other Tinkercad Circuits components and to simulate the operation of the system by controlling...
View ArticleParallel Apps on an ESP32 Using Toit Platform for IoT
With the Toit platform, developers can treat an ESP32 as a regular computer, installing apps just as easy as on a computer or a phone. Using the high-level language Toit, it is easy to implement...
View ArticleDual Cores & Interrupts on Pi Pico
The new Raspberry Pi Pico offers Dual Cores and Interrupts if you use MicroPython. I thought I would give it a go and try explain some of the pitfalls to avoid. This project keeps the action running...
View ArticleSmart Home With Multiple NodeMCU ESP8266 Network With Blynk
In this IoT project, I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation using Multiple NodeMCU ESP8266 network to control all the home appliances from the pushbuttons & Blynk App. If the...
View ArticleArbitrary Wave Generator With the Raspberry Pi Pico
Just two weeks ago, the pico, a new microcontroller, the pico, was released by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, well known for the incredibly successful series of Raspberry Pi single-board computers. The...
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