BBC Micro:bit + WiFi + Phone Notifications
In this project we demonstrate BBC micro:bit how to connect it to WiFi and send a notification to a phone without writing a single line of code. The micro:bit comes with a microphone, among the other...
View ArticleSpin Bike Controller
SmartSpin2K is an open hardware and software DIY module that converts BLE signals from a cycling APP (like Zwift, FulGaz, RGT, Sufferfest, etc.) and uses the information they broadcast to increase and...
View ArticleVFD Display for the TI83+ Calculator
This project builds upon the PIC/TI83+ interface developed by ThomasHenry (see Nuts & Volts August 2013 – A Mathematics Engine for Microcontrollers). Acknowledgment, appreciation, and kudos to him...
View ArticleFirefly Pickle Jar With Microbit and Neopixels
A motion sensitive firefly-filled pickle-jar that gets brighter when you move it, and then settles down to just twinkle a bit when its still. This project was inspired by a workshop led by Lila Finch...
View Article10 Channel Wi-Fi Switch for Smart Home
This device can help you automate your home, backyard, or whatever you want. Step 1: Gather the Components To build this device, you’ll need: ESP8266 x1;4-stage ripple (binary) counter (I can suggest...
View ArticleMicro:bit Controlled Tic Tac Toe Game
With the addition of micro:bit to Tinkercad’s Circuits editor, it is now possible to create circuits with other Tinkercad Circuits components and to simulate the operation of the system by controlling...
View ArticleParallel Apps on an ESP32 Using Toit Platform for IoT
With the Toit platform, developers can treat an ESP32 as a regular computer, installing apps just as easy as on a computer or a phone. Using the high-level language Toit, it is easy to implement...
View ArticleCreate a Webserver Using ESP01 and STM32F401CCUx
ESP-01 WiFi module is developed by encapsulates Tensilica L106 integrates industry Clock speed support 80 MHz, 160 MHz, supports the RTOS, integrated Wi The module supports standard IEEE802.11 add...
View ArticlePaper Pocket Pets
Paper Pocket Pets (PPP) is a kit designed to create interactive modular and wearable toys. It encourages children’s movement and sociality thanks to the reactions of the pet and allows children to...
View ArticleHow to Run Servo Motors Using Moto:bit With Micro:bit
One way to extend the functionality of the micro:bit is to use a board called moto:bit by SparkFun Electronics (approximately $15-20). It looks complicated and has many features, but it isn’t hard to...
View ArticleNetwork Rivalry: a Low-Latency Game for the BBC Micro:bit
In this tutorial, I will explain how to implement a basic multiplayer game on the BBC micro:bit with the following features: A simple interfaceLow-latency between button presses and screen updatesA...
View ArticleWheelchair Pride Project
The Wheelchair Pride Project is designed to allow wheelchair users to feel confident and empowered in their chairs by creating an avenue for self-expression within the chair itself. Oftentimes...
View ArticleDecoder / Electronic Quiz Game 2.0
Some time ago I presented the Electronic Quiz I made when I was a kid. It can be used to solve quiz sheets. The big drawback is, that each number is hard-wired to one letter so there are 26 fix...
View ArticleAutomatic Water Barrel Filler
A relative asked me if I could create something that automates refilling a water barrel used for watering a small garden greenhouse. They didn’t want to plug in a pump every few hours only to have...
View ArticleOpen Source Ventilator Alternative
Access to medical devices is unequal across the globe, and the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored this fact. During the pandemic the global shortage of ventilators has been especially notable. Access...
View ArticleConnecting to Microcontroller With Pyserial Library – Python
Hi, In this instructable, we’ll see how to use the Pyserial library in Python in order to make a serial connection via a COM Port (in our example COM3) and receive the temperature and humidity values...
View ArticleMandelbrot Set on Pi Pico / ILI9341
Mandelbrot Set is IMHO the most famous fractal. Read here for additional info: This project was inspired by...
View ArticleBattery Powered Simple Waste Auditing Data Logger ♻️
I wanted a way to keep track of how much waste I was generating just to be more environmentally conscious. So I created this project as an automated way to help keep track of waste accumulation...
View ArticleCardboard Dragon Robot
Who doesn’t love dragons? I know I do. I wanted to challenge myself with this project and build it all out of cardboard practicing some techniques I recently learned, and control it using a small...
View Article[Free Download] Atmel Studio 7 Latest Version for Windows & MacOS
Atmel Studio was developed to help them build and debug microcontroller applications. It comes as a platform for integrated creation that uses the shell of Microsoft Visual Studio. This software...
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