Getting Started with C Programming for the ATMEL AVR Microcontrollers
IntroductionThis tutorial provides information on the tool and the basic steps for programming the Atmel AVR microcontrollers using C. It is aimed at people who are new to this family of...
View ArticleATmega versus STM32 – Which Microcontroller is Best for Your Application
This article compares the ATmega and STM32 microcontrollers so that you can choose the best one for your own tech product, by considering overall cost and system cost, as well as the upward migration...
View ArticleTypes and Applications of ATMEL Microcontroller Programming in Embedded Systems
Atmel Microcontroller Programming Atmel Microcontroller Programming – A microcontroller is actually a small and typically inexpensive computer. And you can use it one to perform necessary calculations...
View ArticleAVR Atmega8 Microcontroller Architecture & Its Applications
The abbreviation of AVR Microcontroller is “Advanced Virtual RISC” and MCU is the short term of the Microcontroller. A Microcontroller is a tiny computer on a single chip and it is also termed as a...
View ArticleI2C Blynk Car With Attiny85 and M5StickC
This project shows you how to build your own I2C DC motor drive using a DigiSpark Attiny85 plus Arduino motor shield. To test its operation, I made a small RC car which used an M5StickC &...
View ArticleMultiple ATtiny85 or 13A Programmer
Program 6 ATtiny85/13A at the same time with this custom programmer board. Description Watch the video for a better tutorial. Attiny MCUs are very popular as it is quite easy to program them and using...
View ArticleNeoPixel Reactive Table
Welcome to my version of the LED reactive table! I was inspired by previous work using discrete LEDs, such as this one, but I figured it would be easier and more fun to use NeoPixels — programmable...
View ArticleECE 4760 Final Project: Color Video Game on AVR
Introduction Our project is to make a color video game that runs primarily on the ATmega 1284P. To do this, we adhered to the NTSC standard for color video. The sync signals used for NTSC are...
View ArticleCC2420 Radio
Introduction The Chipcon (now owned by Texas Instruments) CC2420 is a commercial radio chip that complies with the ZigBee wireless standard. We have CC2420DBK development kits available for your...
View ArticleAVR 16bit Stereo Wave Player
Introduction This project aims to implement a cost-effective wave player based on AVR (ATmega / ATiny Series) with CD-Audio Quality, which can play 8-bit/16-bit Mono/Stereo standard RIFF (Resource...
View ArticleWeeks 11-12: AVR USB Devices and Programming
One of the relatively unexplored topics in this week’s lecture was USB, the ubiquitous protocol that allows computers to communicate with peripheral devices (containing microcontrollers). Creating a...
View ArticlePololu USB AVR Programmer User’s Guide
OverviewThe Pololu USB AVR programmer [] is a programmer for Atmel’s AVRmicrocontrollers and controller boards based on these MCUs, such as Pololu Orangutan robot...
View ArticleWireless Sensor Network for Energy and Environmental Monitoring: Helping Old...
I. Introduction Today, the rising cost of energy and social trend of “going green” has put increasingpressure on commercial property owners to improve the efficiency of their investments. Thereis good...
View ArticleMicrocontroller Survivability in Space Conditions
Introduction The Utah State University (USU) Materials Physics Group (MPG) is interested in the performanceof Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) microcontrollers in space conditions. Microcontrollers are...
View ArticleSMILab develops new low-cost strain sensor
Researchers from the Smart Management of Infrastructure Laboratory (SMILab), located in the Center for Advanced Research Computing, have developed a new strain sensor as a part of the Low-Cost...
View ArticleA Simplified Secure Programming Platform for Internet of Things Devices
INTRODUCTION The Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become very popular in various critical and non-critical usage fields. Many people have started to use IoT devices realizing their benefits in...
I would first like to acknowledge my adviser, Dr. Yanjun Yan, for her patience, kindness, and mostof all her assistance in completing this thesis. I would like to thank Dr. Martin Tanaka, Dr....
View ArticleSummer 2017 Altium Designer 17 Research
This past summer I had the opportunity to work for computer science PhD candidate Ryo Suzuki under the guidance of Tom Yeh of the computer science department. My task was developing printed circuit...
1.1 Introduction Line following car is a system that traces black lines on white surfaces. There arevarious sensing methods available to sense these lines. The choice of these schemesdepends upon...
View ArticleECEN1400 Final Project- Sensor Spy Ball
This is the final project for ECEN1400: Introduction to Digital and Analog with Professor Alex Fosidck at University of Colorado at Boulder (Spring 2017). The goal of this project was to make a ball...
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