Getting Started with TinyOS and nesC
This lesson introduces the basic concepts of TinyOS and the nesC language in which the system is written. It includes a quick overview of the nesC language concepts and syntax to help you get started...
View ArticlePrototype Board for Atmel Mega644
Introduction This page describes a prototype board for the Atmel Mega644 or Mega32 (PDIP) MCU. It includes a power supply, crystal clock, and generous bypass capacitors. A six-pin header allows flash...
View ArticleNetworked Biometric Authentication
This project produces a system that captures a user’s fingerprint and then authenticates it against a database via Ethernet communication; authentication results are displayed via two color LED’s....
View ArticleOn-Board Diagnostics Reader: A Cornell ECE 476 Final Project
Introduction Our project is a hand-held device that is capable of communicating with any vehicle that uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) data-link layer. Such devices are commonly referred to as...
View ArticleUsing the AVRISP Programmer
Introduction The AVRISP looks just like the JTAGICE, except it’s a bit smaller and it has a 6-pin connector on the end of the cable instead of the 10-pin connector on the JTAGICE. The AVRISP...
View ArticleAVR Studio Simulator Introduction and Exercises
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • get a brief introduction to most of the major debugging features AVR Studio• read through a refresher on C programming and an introduction to I/O on AVR microcontrollers• gain an...
View ArticleGlowing RGB LED Magic Cube (WS2812)
I fully designed from scratch every single piece of this project to create a cool glowing Magic LED Cube, mainly made for light animation and basically could be explored for decoration of Electronics...
View ArticlePALPi Lite Edition
So this is the PALPi V4 which is a DIY Retro Game Console powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The IDEA here was to make a portable handheld gaming console that can run RETRO Games like Contra, Pokemon,...
INTRODUCTION This project implements a real-time scrolling spectrogram-style visualization of an audio signal. We successfully displayed the frequency spectrum content in real time using a 4-bit...
View ArticleECE 4760 Final Project: Rapid Circuit Prototyping
Introduction Our final project was to create a rapid prototyping machine for electrical circuits by repurposing an old pen plotter that we fitted with an electrically conductive pen. Our plotter...
View ArticleThe Skittles Mini-Factory
Introduction The Skittles Mini-Factory is self-contained repackaging unit that separates Skittles by color. Once separated, the Skittles are resealed in individual plastic bags. The Skittles are...
View ArticleSingLock
SingLock is a pitch-based security system based on ATMEL MEGA1284P microcontroller featuring two password protection stages: one based on a 4-digit numeric personal identification number inputted via...
View ArticleECE 4760: T-Bot
Introduction “A resistive touch screen robot that follows a user-defined path input by drawing on the touch screen.”” We designed and implemented a robot that follows the path drawn on a touchscreen....
View ArticleGesture based MIDI glove
Introduction Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI, is a standard that describes a protocol, digital interface and specific physical connections that allow electronic music devices and...
View ArticleSpeech Lock
we designed and implemented a speaker recognition device that acts as a lock triggered by the sound of your voice saying a specific passcode. The implementation uses hardware filtering from a...
View ArticleBioelectrical Body Fat Analyzer
Introduction For our final project, we have decided to use the microcontroller provided to make a device which would measure body fat percentage of one’s body. The basic principle behind this project...
View ArticleECE 4760 Final Project: CPR Training Dummy on AVR
Introduction For our ECE 4760 final project, we implemented an interactive CPR training dummy which can coach the trainees through the CPR process with a LCD to display instructions. The prototype CPR...
View ArticleECE 4760 Final Project: Color Video Game on AVR
Introduction Our project is to make a color video game that runs primarily on the ATmega 1284P. To do this, we adhered to the NTSC standard for color video. The sync signals used for NTSC are generated...
View ArticleFrequency Visualizer
Introduction This project visually displays the frequency content of an audio signal using an 8X3 grid of LEDs. A microphone and amplifier collect analog audio input which is sampled digitized using...
View Articleukule-LED
ukule-LED is a ukulele with LEDs embedded in its fretboard. These LEDs can light up in configurations corresponding to different chords, which can aid the ukulele player in learning how to play...
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