Bike Dash
For our ECE 4760 final project, we designed and built a bicycle dashboard which displays the cyclist’s pedaling power, speed, cadence, and distance to enhance training. The major motivation of this...
View ArticleVirtual Bowling
For our 4760 final project, we built a virtual bowling game interface on a black and white Television in which the ball can be controlled by the glove which has the flex sensors and the accelerometer...
View ArticleSmart Sitter: A Do-it-Yourself Wireless Home Automation System
Introduction Smart home technology has been surging in popularity over the past decade. According to a recent poll, 46% of consumers believe that it is important that their current or next home has...
View ArticleReal-Time Pitch Shifter.
Introduction “A device that pitch-shifts voice in real time” For our final project, we attempted to implemented a real-time vocal pitch shifter. The system was designed to work as follows: a user...
View ArticleVirtual Virtuoso a tool for conductors
Introduction There are very few ways to improve one’s skills in conducting a live band. Practicing by conducting a real band requires coordination of many people and conducting along to pre-recorded...
View ArticleECE 4760 Space Invasion
Introduction: What is Space Invasion: Space Invasion is a game in which a spaceship has to pass through the walls, without crashing. There are monsters trying to kill the spaceship. So the spaceship...
View ArticleGPS Navigator and Explorer
The idea of the the project is to create a useful device for being able to get directions with any specified path by use of waypoints rather than a path chosen by a GPS as well as being able to follow...
View ArticleUltrasonic Pursuit Automobile
We’ve implemented an autonomous pursuit vehicle capable of chasing a designated target using ultrasonic transmissions. The system is demonstrated by chasing a second, human-controlled, RC car. The...
INTRODUCTION In the modern American classic, Rocky IV, Ivan Drago (portrayed by Dolph Lundgren) is shown utilizing a then-futuristic electronic punch meter (in addition to anabolic steroids) in his...
View ArticleVirtual Object Grabber
Introduction What is seeing without feeling? The field of Virtual Reality has recently been gaining much attention, with the Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard paving the path of visualizing a world that...
View ArticleLED Sketchpad
In this project we built a sketchpad based on LED matrix display with microcontroller and resistive touch screen control. We used a single point resistive touch screen to detect the user’s gesture and...
View ArticleMaple Bot
Introduction For our final project in ECE 4760: Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers, we designed and implemented a radio-controlled, map-learning, line-following robot. The robot traverses a...
View ArticleSmart Medicine Box
Our ECE 4760 final project is to build a microcontroller based smart medicine box. Our medicine box is targeted on users who regularly take drugs or vitamin supplements, or nurses who take care of the...
View ArticleAccelCar
Our project aims to take the fun of a Wii Remote and translate it to real life. The AccelCar is a remote-controlled car that is controlled by the way that a user tilts the remote, similar to the way...
View ArticleSegway Robot with Accelerometers
Introduction The objective of this project was to create a two-wheeled balance bot able to traverse a flat environment and adjust itself to shifts in position and weight, using a...
View ArticleSign Language Glove
Introduction We designed and built a glove to be worn on the right hand that uses a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm to translate sign language into spoken English. Every person’s hand is a unique size...
Introduction Several different approaches have been explored in developing a system to track eye movements. These approaches span from measuring reflections of infrared light to using advanced imaging...
View ArticleECE 4760 Final Project Report
Introduction Most homes across the world lack a security system of any sort. The goal of our project was to design a simple security system using the Atmel AVR ATmega1284p microcontroller that most...
View ArticleWireless Pedometer
There’s a simple question asked by runners, walkers, joggers, and anyone who moves. How fast am I going? Runners want to pace themselves, athletes are trying to train for events, and even on a day to...
View ArticleStabilized Gimbal System
This webpage describes the development of a Stabilized Gimbal Control System for the CUAir team, Cornell University’s Unmanned Air Systems Team. The Stabilized Gimbal Control System will help the CUAir...
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