Automated Drink Mixer
Abstract The automated drink mixer takes orders from a push-button menu, and moves a regular 16-ounce glass under a series of inverted bottles while dispensing specified amounts of mixers to make...
View ArticleA Touchscreen Chinese Chess App
With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablet computers, touchscreen has become one of the most common user interfaces encountered today. The idea of this project came from some apps on the...
View ArticleAcoustic Modem
Data transmission over sound is used in many communication protocols, the most common being Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency signaling (DTMF). It is used to dial phone numbers and the frequency combinations...
View ArticleA Moving Alarm Clock
Introduction We implemented a prototype for a moving alarm clock which runs away from the user when they try to silence the alarm. It has all the features of a “regular” alarm clock: settable time and...
View ArticlePrecision Cooker: A Temperature Controlled Cooker
Precise time and temperature control are critical when cooking. Slight deviations in either temperature or cooking time can ruin delicate ingredients. Despite this fact, most modern day stovetops...
View ArticleEye Mouse
Our final project moves and clicks a mouse cursor on a computer screen by tracking where the user’s eye-movements using infrared eye-tracking technology and a gyroscope. The motivation for this project...
View ArticleInfrared Universal Remote Control
Introduction One of the more challenging aspects of owning a home entertainment system is dealing with all the remote controls. My device is designed to tackle this problem. Specifically, the universal...
View ArticleAudio Spectrum Analyzer
Our ECE 4760 final project was an audio spectrum analyzer that would display a histogram-style visualization of an audio signal. We were able to successfully display the frequency spectrum content of...
View ArticleVirtual Archery
Introduction We decided to create a virtual archery game for our ECE 4760 final project. This game consists of an ATmega1284P microcontroller, a TV for display, and multiple pieces of hardware. All of...
View ArticleECE 4760 Final Project: Persistance of Vision Clock
The goal of our project was to create a persistence-of-vision (POV) analog clock using an LED display. The clock has a visual alarm system which lights up the entire display for two seconds if it...
View ArticlePhased Array Speaker System
Introduction For our ECE 4760 final project, we designed and built an array of 12 independently-controllable speakers to implement an acoustic phased-array system. The system samples a standard audio...
View ArticleProject Green Stations: Prototype Zero
Introduction For our final project, we have designed and built a ‘proof of concept’ prototype for Project Green Stations, an externally funded student group with the following mission statement:...
View ArticleXOD-powered Rechargeable Solar Lamp
There are inexpensive solar garden/walkway lamps available at most home goods and hardware stores. But as the old saying goes, you usually get what you pay for. The usual charging and illumination...
View ArticleAttiny13A Motor Controller Board
So here’s something super interesting and useful, a motor controller board powered by an Attiny13A to control a Brushed DC Motor. This Motor Driver uses PWM to control the gate of an N Channel IRFZ44N...
View ArticleAVR Tutorial for Beginners
This tutorial series designed specifically for beginners. If you are a beginner looking to play with cool electronic stuff, then you are going to find this very useful. This AVR tutorial for beginners...
GETTING STARTED WITH AVR MICROCONTROLLER.This article will make you familiar how to getting started with AVR Microcontroller. You will learn each and every thing about AVR microcontroller. What are the...
View ArticleThe LED Chasing Effect Project using Atmel AVR Microcontroller
One of the interesting projects for most of the embedded beginners enthusiasts or hobbyists is to build the LED chasing effect. In this project we are going to use both the Arduino IDE and Atmel AVR...
View ArticleGetting Started with Atmel Studio
Introduction Atmel, AVR microcontrollers (MCUs) are very easy to use. All AVR microcontrollers require Integrated Development Environment(IDE) such as Atmel Studio. Using this IDE, we can create,...
View ArticleSetting up Atmel Studio for USBasp and AVR Programming
It can be a lot confusing someone for who just started programming in AVR environment. Atmel studio is the best IDP [Integrated Development Platform] for AVR programming and embedded system...
View ArticleWhat is AVR Microcontroller : PinOut, Working & Its Applications
The advanced version of a microprocessor is a microcontroller that includes a CPU, Interrupts controller, RAM, ROM, I/O unit, etc. A microcontroller is mainly used for the operation of high-speed...
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