Video Overlay using ATmega8 microcontroller
A few years ago I set about trying to design a very cheap and simple way to superimpose flight data on live video being transmitted over amateur television. Specifically, the data would include things...
View ArticleThe WhereAVR using ATmega8 microcontroller
Introduction The WhereAVR is a small, lightweight, low-power, and low-cost APRS tracker with a full compliment of analog and digital I/O, as well as the ability to decode ax.25 packets. This allows for...
View ArticleHVProg using ATmega8535 microcontroller
Compatible with AvrStudio Supports all AVR Controllers Parallel and serial High-Voltage-Programming Small and easy layout with only a few parts STK500 protocol Schematics and board layout available...
View ArticleAvrUsb500 — an open source Atmel AVR Programmer using ATmega8
Why Stk500 and USB? Until the beginning of this year a simple parallel port programmer was the only good programmer as it could be used for any device. All device dependent information is stored in the...
View ArticleUSB controlled DDS signal generator with ATmega88
A simple signal generator which produces sine waves (or any waveform really) at audio frequencies using DDS and is controlled a USB serial connection. Only 2 chips are used in this circuit. The...
View ArticleUSB AVR in-system Programmer using ATtiny2313
Introduction. Nowadays, USB is the most popular connection between PC and peripherals such as AVR programmers, printers, scanners etc. For that reason I had to modify my old serial AVR...
View ArticleFlickr images on a Nokia LCD using ATmega48
LCDs are often used in microcontroller projects. Most used are these green character displays with two or more rows to display menus, status or debug messages. With mass production of mobile phones,...
View ArticleAtmel AVR Infrared Downloader using ATmega8
AVR IR Downloader is one of final assignments at Electrical Engineering Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia. The basic idea was came from our lecturer at campus, Ir. Nanang Sulistyanto. If this...
View ArticleTesting Device for DiSEqC-Switches using ATtiny13-20PI
This is my first AVR-project on this page. The DiSEqC-Tester allows to test DiSEqC-switches that uses 1.0 or 1.1 protocols. (DiSEqC-Switches with 2.0 and 2.1 protocol have backwards compatibility with...
View ArticleAT89C4051 to work as a Real time Digital clock
Its a digial clock which make use of AT89C4051 to work as a Real time clock. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram for the digital clock. Port 1 of the controller (AT89C4051) is used as the data lines for...
View ArticleNight Light Saver V6 using AT89C2051
This new version has internal Ni-MH battery backup, reset button and simple time setting. Now the circuit board was embedded with lamp fixture. Preset turn on period is from 18:00 to 22:00 everyday....
View ArticlexTimer V1.0 using AT89C4051 microcontroller
My wife asked me to find another timer for using in the kitchen. She got one already with analog setting, but it needs one AA size battery. Digital setting may not easy for human interface. However I...
View ArticleAT89C2051 PROTO BOARD
This single sided proto board provides an economical solution for developing and testing the projects around Atmel 20 pin series u-controllers (89Cx051 & AVR) Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of...
View ArticleEasy-Downloader V1.1 with SDCC using AT89C2051
Complete schematic, orcad pcb layout of Easy-Downloader V1.1 and modified firmware with sdcc. I am very happy to use sdcc for writing firmware of my project. The compiled code is very compact and nice....
View ArticleEasy-DownloaderV1.1 for ATMEL89C2051
Build your own a personal writer forprogramming HEX code into Flash based microcontroller AT89C2051(2k) andAT89C4051(4k). Simple hardware and Easy use software in DOS and Windowversion. Single-side and...
View ArticleMakeYour Own Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V1.1 using AT89C2051
The EasyDownloader V 1.1 , a Flash Writer for 89C2051/4051 which was designedby Wichit Sirichote, used a Double-SidePCB. I think, it’s difficult to make my ownPCB by myself. So that I decided to...
View ArticleExperimenting the 2051 withC Programming using 89C2051
Learn yourself, how to write a simple program using Clanguage for the 89C2051/89C4051. Write a C source program, compile,and download the HEX code to the chip directly, connect DC adapter, seewhat...
View ArticleNight Light Saver V5.0 using AT89C2051
Introduction The Saver V5.0 runs simple clock emulation program, turns a night light on and off with preset time, say 19:00 to 22:00 everyday. The design features low cost, easy installation, no...
View ArticleClock ControllerV1.1 using AT89C2051
Builda digital clock that turns AC load on/off with preset time. sourcecode with sdcc for 8051. The Clock Controller V1.1was designed to be an exemplary of using ‘C’ language to control...
View ArticleDigiThermo 0-100.0 °C using AT89C4051
Introduction The DigiThermo is a device designed for measuring time and temperature used in chemistry laboratory. The circuit of Digithermo employs a 89C4051, 20-pin CMOS Microcontroller with built-in...
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