Cooler-Bot Using Atmel Mega 16L
Introduction Cooler-Bot is an autonomous vehicle that uses ultrasonic transducers to sense distance and direction to a remote ultrasonic mobile unit that it is designed to follow. Our original goal was...
View ArticleRobotic Vacuum Cleaner Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction As our final project, we decided to design and build a robot capable of vacuuming the floor of a room or area without any human interaction other than just starting the unit. We realized...
View ArticleSearchBot Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction The SearchBot is a fully functional model car that can be controlled wirelessly through the PC or autonomously search for red balls scattered on a flat surface. Autonomous vehicles are...
View ArticleCUsat diagnostic board using Atmel mega32
1 Introduction Our final project is the CUSat Diagnostic Board (CUDB). This board will be used for monitoring CUSat system health as well as performing various functions allowing for easy integration...
View ArticleCUAUV Voltage Sniffer Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction The Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle team (CUAUV) is an undergraduate engineering team that designs and builds a fully autonomous, robotic submarine. Over the past year,...
View ArticleHDD analog clock with LCD touchscreen Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction The clock is one of the oldest inventions in human history and has been used for centuries as in instrument for measuring time. There are many ways to implement this ancient technology by...
View ArticleAppleII emulator Using Atmel Mega32
The goal of this project was to develop a system capable of emulating an Apple II personal computer. This project attempted to reconstruct a functional Apple II emulated on Atmel ATmega32 processors....
View ArticleTouch Screen Controlled R/C Car Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction For our final design project, we chose to build a touch screen radio controlled car. Essentially, the RC car will follow a path drawn by the user on the touch screen as it is drawn in real...
View ArticleSound Source Triangulation Game Using Atmega32
Introduction The goal of this project is to determine the time and location of a sound source in all three dimensions (x,y,z) using an economical and easily reproducible setup. To accomplish this goal,...
View ArticleSpeech Recognition Jukebox Using Atmega32
Introduction For the Final Project in ECE 476: Designing with Microcontrollers, Robbins and Saha developed a Speech Recognition Jukebox, comprised of a speech recognition system that activated a simple...
View ArticleGraphing calculator Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction A perfect tool for high school students that will pursue a career in engineering, the graphing and statistics calculator combines the functionality of a scientific calculator with graphing...
View ArticleFirefly synchronization Using Atmega32
Introduction This project implements a 2D matrix of bidirectional LEDs to simulate how fireflies in a population synchronize their flashing. Fireflies are an extraordinary species of bioluminescent...
View ArticleCalcParser Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction CalcParser is a command line calculator. Controlled by a serial connection, CalcParser parses and evaluates an arithmetic expression and has the capabilities to perform symbolic polynomial...
View ArticleCCD imager Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction The CCDImager is an Atmel Mega32 microcontroller driven imaging system that uses a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) optical sensor to capture a still image. The purpose of this project was to...
View ArticleProgrammable medication scheduler using atmel mega32
Introduction The Newest Innovation in Patient Compliance The Portable Programmable Medication Scheduler (PPMS) is a modern solution to the century old problem of patient compliance, featuring four...
View ArticleAutomatic pet feeder Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction Our project is an automated pet feeder that is controlled by a wireless infra-red remote control. As pet lovers, we understand that the responsibilities of life sometimes inhibit pet...
View ArticleRetractable Alarm Clock (RAC) Using Atmel Mega32
1.1 Motivation: Alarm clocks are essential in almost everyones daily life. For most of us, we start our day to the sweet noise of our alarms. While some people wake up instantaneously to the first...
View ArticleUltrasonic ParKontroller Using Atmel Mega32
Introduction Are you afraid that your brand new Hummer is going to get scratched while parking it in a tight space? Do you have trouble backing your large Mercedez S-class into your small garage?...
View ArticleBraille reader using Atmel mega32
Introduction BlindAid is a portable tool that reads Braille and signals close objects. It is ideal for those unfortunate people who just turned blind and have not mastered Braille reading and blind...
View ArticleUSB Magnetic Mouse/Touchpad Using Atmega32
Introduction This project implements Hall effect sensors and a magnet to mimic the function of a typical USB mouse (similar to a tablet pens function). Many digital artists draw with mice on computer...
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