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After two more complex robots ( Eurobot2008 and Robot2 ), I decided to build a small and simple car. The choice fell on a plastic tune, which was controlled by two AA pencil monoculars – similar toys can be found in toy shops, on soils or in bazaars. Others are available on the Internet (for example, Snailinstruments.cz has several of them – the chassis does not necessarily have to be belt-based, just two drive wheels and one swivel). The belt (differential) chassis is for a small robot, for example, because it can rotate in place. The robot can be controlled by a mobile phone via Bluetooth using OEMSPA310 .



As the brain of the vehicle I used my favorite ATmega48 microcontroller – it is relatively inexpensive and has plenty of peripherals. The printed circuit board has a minimum wire jumpers and is designed to be built on a universal PCB with 2.54 mm grids that can be bought normally (I work with it by connecting the pads to the tin paths – it just wants a bit but the programmer can do it too :-) ), but I have prepared a version that you can make at home with a photo. The holes are designed for M3 screws and M3 spacers and are positioned to fit into the Mercury kit (multiples of 10 mm). In addition to the ATmega48 single chip, the following parts are included:

  • Stabilizer 7805 – stabilizes the 5 V supply voltage for the board.
  • Reset Button – When pressed, the program in the processor starts from the beginning.
  • Red LED connected to single pin (pin PD7).
  • DIP switch (4-bit switch) – it can be used, for example, to set program parameters (optional)
  • Ribbons for pinning all important single pin pins – wired as PIN | GND or PIN | 5V | GND to connect analog sensors or modellers (C single port).
  • H-bridge L293D for switching of two motors – max. 0.5 A (allows to change direction and control by means of pulse-width modulation – PWM). It is warmed up enough for bigger streams, it is good to add it to the heat of the soul (heatsink for DIP16 – for example in GM it is crowned). Then, just stick it with a second adhesive. It is good to note beforehand where the pin # 1 is located on the perimeter – the classic slot is covered by the cooler.

You can download Eagle files here . Pressing the Ratsnest Eagle button renders the rolled copper (GND) under the H-bridge, which helps the IC to smooth down.


Connector Description

Connector Description


  • if the JUMPER is short-circuited, the motors are powered by 5V directly from the board. If not, it is powered from the MOTOR SUPPLY connector.
  • the UART connector is used to output a TTL-level serial channel, such as a Bluetooth module.
  • the POWER plug can be used to power the 5 V board directly or to power the peripherals (sensors, Bluetooth module) – be careful of polarity!
  • the MOTOR1 and MOTOR2 connectors are used to connect motors, the center pin (GND) can be fed to the motor frame if an interference is required.
  • the blue connectors on the H-bridge and the single-chip are interconnected by two-wire cables – they are used to control the motors and can be easily swapped or rotated.
  • Purple connectors indicate how to connect the programmer.
  • The yellow reset button is used to reset the program in a single chip.
  • The terminal block in the lower left corner serves to bring the unstable 7-15 V power to the board.


You need to prepare the following wires:

  • 2x single-chip and h-bridge interconnect cable – dual (or triple if you want to change the pin enable h-mote for some reason)
  • connecting cable h-bridge-motors – on one side soldered to motors, on the other side PIN A | GND | PIN B. Pins A and B are connected to the motor terminals, the GND pin may remain loose or can be applied to the metal frame of the motor if you want to use the interference.

For production, the cable itself (for example, gray ten-pin), sockets, plastic packaging and pliers – all can be bought in GM under the name KONPC. It is good to buy them in stock. If you do not have a crimping pliers, I recommend this article , which describes the production nicely – do not try to solder them.

Power supply

With a 7805 stabilizer (replaceable with a lowdrop version), the board can be powered by 7-15 V, for example a classic 9 V battery or a 12 V drive from the old router. Although the power supply to the stabilizer is protected by a diode, it is good to note on the terminal board where the positive voltage is connected. It is good to place a small switch on the supply cable to the terminal board.

The whole board can be powered by four pencil monoculars, the voltage must be applied to one of the connectors (preferably on a three-row pin on port C) – here you have to pay attention to the polarity, the direct diode voltage is not protected by the five volts.

The board is the only jumper to set the power supply to the motors. if plugged in, the motors are powered by a 5-volt power supply when disconnected, they take power from their power connector. The jumper must not be plugged in if a larger voltage than 5 V is applied to the motor power connector – it will destroy the electronics .

For example, the switch can be glued directly below the board by, for example,


Power supply

Single-chip programming

If you are in the one-chip area of ​​the novice, I recommend to visit the page. We flash an LED that explains what a single chip is, how it works and how to program it using a simple programmer into a parallel port that consists of several resistors and a piece of cable. You can mount the individual wire pins (with a total of five) with the plugs described above separately or merge them into two connectors: RESET | GND and MOSI | MISO | SCK .

ATmega48 has an internal oscillator set to 8 MHz , so nothing needs to be set (canceling the 8-bit divider is solved in the program) and just load the hex file. It can be downloaded here withcomplete source code in C language (AVR-LIBC).

List of parts

  • IO ATmega48 + patice28 (just classic, not necessarily precise)
  • IO L293D (letter D is important – circuit contains protection diodes) + DIP16 socket (classical only, need not be precise) + optional cooler on DIP16, if it overheats
  • IO 7805 (P) (NE version L – has too little current) + optional cooler on TO220 if too heated
  • 4-bit DIP switch (optional)
  • Microswitch (tact-switch)
  • PCB Terminals (2 pins)
  • Single-row and double-row straight flanged pegs (ridges)
  • LED red, 3 mm
  • Diode 1N4007
  • R 330 ohms
  • R 1k5 – 2x
  • C 2.2 uF (electrolyte)
  • C 100 uF (electrolyte)
  • C 0.1 uF – 2x (ceramics)
  • Jumper jumper
  • Cables, connectors and connectors
  • M3 screws, spacers, …

Source : goo.gl/O3gL Bluetooth Robot Project Alternative link: tank-robot-atmega48-bluetooth-java-project.rar



Thermometer circuit board ATmega32 used on the LCD display DS1820 sensor used in the Siemens S65 mobile phone graphic LCD LS020 ATmega32 project’s source code S65 LS020 bitmap bmp files for graphic LCDs and… Electronics Projects, Thermometer Circuit DS1820 ATmega32 Siemens S65 LCD “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Thermometer circuit board ATmega32 used on the LCD display DS1820 sensor used in the Siemens S65 mobile phone graphic LCD LS020

ATmega32 project’s source code S65 LS020 bitmap bmp files for graphic LCDs and PCBs (sprint layout)’s files. Ds1820 information on GLCD LS020 kittens, and dog imaged with animations



Source: remexpert.com Thermometer Circuit files Alternative link: thermometer-circuit-ds1820-atmega32-siemens-s65-lcd.RAR



ATmega32 microcontroller based on the project is already quite interesting and a professional I see this type of advanced projects ATMEL series Some sections of the circuit MOC3043 opto diac, MOC3023 isolated with LCD… Electronics Projects, Operated Washing Machine Control Circuit with ATmega32 “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


ATmega32 microcontroller based on the project is already quite interesting and a professional I see this type of advanced projects ATMEL series

Some sections of the circuit MOC3043 opto diac, MOC3023 isolated with LCD and LED indicator control (presumably rc5) control and has a lot more features



The rotational speed of the motor is controlled by the microcontroller. Its supply voltage 230V is cut by a triac controlled by the ATmega. Indeed, directly powered by 230V motor rotates the spin speed. It should therefore be slow for washing. But the speed control is rendered necessary because the torque varies alot during each revolution of the drum of the distribution and movement of the laundry in the drum. Hence the presence of the tachogenerator of the motor shaft. the ATmega continuously measures the actual speed of the drum (by a function programmed frequency) and compares it with a setpoint. The result is used to adjust the angle of the triac to maintain constant speed (speed control). This is one of the finer points of the program.

The direction of rotation of the motor is selected by switching the connection of the stator relative to the rotor by two relays. The pump and valves are controlled by triacs. The heater is controlled by a relay 230V – 10A.

The microcontroller circuits and low voltage (5V) are isolated from the 230V mains:

feeding a transformer 230V – 2X6V
triacs by opto-triacs detecting zero crossing MOC3043.
cutting the triac motor voltage by an opto-triac NO detecting zero crossing MOC3023 (instantaneous response)

Everything is managed remotely by a remote control for TV! (it avoids touching anything during operation of the machine)


1) Check-out: Engine speed control on-off control drain pump water inlet temperature control to 20 characters (blue) LCD. Some LEDs in all colors

2) Input: rev counter with resistive temperature sensor reference signal phase 50Hz sector. Buttons, buttons, IR remote control receiver

Source: https://320volt.com/en/atmega32-ile-kumandali-camasir-makinasi-kontrol-karti/ alternative link: operated-washing-machine-control-circuit-with-atmega32.rar alternative link2



What cannot do more than one radio amateur? What can not be more than one radio amateur? That’s right – without a GOOD power supply, or even better, a GOOD TWO-CHANNEL power supply. That’s right – without a GOOD power supply, or even better, a GOOD TWO-CHANNEL power supply. In this article I will describe how you can make a good, in my opinion, power supply from a conventional computer (AT or ATX). In my opinion, it is a good idea to use a conventional computer (AT or ATX). The idea is good because you don’t need to buy expensive transformers, transistors, wind pulse transformers, and coils … We have an average ATX 300W power supply in the city on the radio market at 45-50 UAH (~ $ 10). It is a good idea to buy expensive transformers, coil, transistors, wind pulse transformers and coils … 45-50 UAH ($ 10). Naturally, this is for used. Naturally, this is for used. Immediately it is worth making a reservation that the higher the quality of the power supply from which you alter, then you can get the best performance from the finished power supply. It is worth it that you can get it. This is due to the fact that in the “Chinese” PSU there may be absolutely no filters at the input, and almost all the filters at the output! It can be used for the PSU. Therefore, it is recommended to look at the “victim”. Therefore, it is recommended to look at the “victim”. I myself made a power supply from the old CODEGEN 300W. I myself made a power supply from the old CODEGEN 300W. Although not ideal of course, but you can live. Although not ideal of course, but you can live. Made to order from CHIEFTEC 350W. Made to order from CHIEFTEC 350W. This is almost ideal – filters at the input, filters (and even some !!!) at the output, well, etc. This is almost ideal – filters for input, filters (and even some !!!) for output, well, etc.

    • Voltage – 3 – 20.5 Volts
  • Current – 0.1 – 10A
  • Pulsations – depends on the model “source”.

In the manufacture of such a power supply there is one “BUT”: if you have not repaired it at once or at least did not disassemble the computer power supply, then it will be problematic to make a laboratory one. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of schematic solutions for computer power supplies and I cannot describe all the necessary modifications. In secret I will say that I burned 2 BP before I got what I wanted. In this article, I will describe how to make a board for monitoring voltage and current, where to connect it, and what to do in the power supply itself, but I will not give you an exact rework scheme. I can only tell you where to get the circuit for your BP.

Well, and so on. I think the first link will help the most. One more “but”: the circuit is designed for use in a power supply unit based on a fairly common PWM chip – TL494 (analogs KA7500, MW7575, mPC494C, IR3M02, M1114EU). Maybe it can be screwed to others, but I have not tried this.

The idea was taken from the magazine “Radio 2004/10” p. 33-34. But there the measuring circuit was implemented on KR572PV2A and LED indicators, one measured value was displayed (current or voltage). It is worth reading the article – there are many interesting things about reworking the BP described, but I did not repeat the scheme. I took the controller with the ADC and rushed ….

Scheme. (01/23/2009 a corrected version of the circuit is posted, which corresponds to a printed circuit board and firmware.)

A little explanation of the scheme. In the dotted line circled part of the scheme, which is located on the power supply board. There are elements that need to be put instead of what is there. Do not touch the rest of the TL494 harness.

As a voltage source, we use a channel of 12 volts, which is slightly altered. Alteration consists in replacing ALL capacitors in a 12-volt circuit with capacitors of the same (or more) capacity, but with a higher voltage of 25-35 volts. Channel 5 Volt, I generally threw out – dropped the diode assembly and all the elements, except for the common choke. The -12V channel also needs to be redone for more voltage – we will also use it. Channel 3.3 Volts also need to be removed so that it does not bother us.

In general, ideally, you need to leave only the diode assembly of the 12 Volt channel and the capacitors / chokes of the filter of this channel. It is also necessary to remove the feedback circuit for voltage and current. If the OC circuit is not hard to find by voltage – usually on 1 pin TL494, then by current (short circuit protection) you usually have to search for a rather long time, especially if there is no circuit. Sometimes it is an OS for 15-16 output of the same PWM, and sometimes a tricky connection from the midpoint of the control transformer. But these chains need to be removed and make sure that nothing blocks the operation of our BP. Otherwise, the laboratory will not work. For example – in CODEGEN, I forgot to remove the OS by current … And I could not raise the voltage above 14 Volt – the protection for the current and the power supply cut off completely. Another important note:

It is necessary to isolate the PSU case from all internal circuits. This is due to the fact that on the PSU case there is a common wire. If, quite by chance, to touch the “+” exit to the case, then a good firework turns out. Since now there is no protection against short-circuit, and there is only a current limit, but it is implemented by a negative conclusion. That is how I burned the first model of my BP.

To measure the current taken shunt from the Chinese tester. “Constantan wires”, as in “Radio” I did not find, because I do not know what it is. And in the Chinese tester just the right thickness, and length! Multiturnal resistors BOURNS 3590s are used as regulators. Although you can put the usual, but the accuracy of setting the voltage and current did not please me. Multiturning trimmers from the same company were used as trimming resistors: BOURNS 3266 or BOURNS 3296 .

Printed circuit board.

One-sided printed circuit board size 145 * 75 mm. Mounted with bolts directly on the wall of the PSU. On the left side of the jumper, the location of the shunt installation is indicated.

Attention! On the board there are two tricky jumpers – under the fuse 2 SMD jumpers – you need to solder ONLY ONLY – the right one is best. In attachments you can download the board in the format Sprint-Layout 5.0

We collect.

Here is what it looks like when assembled:

foto_face.jpg (71.56 KB) Views: 250604

The right variable resistor sets the required voltage, the left – the current. Please note that the set current is also displayed on the indicator (Set I = 00.86A).

A little about setting up the measuring part.

After assembly, it is recommended to turn on the power supply through a 60W incandescent lamp. This will avoid fireworks.

If everything worked and did not explode, then you can proceed to the setting (after turning on the power supply without a lamp), which comes down to adjusting the trimming resistors in the current and voltage measuring circuit. So the voltage at the output of the BP = 20 Volts should correspond to a voltage of 2.5 Volts on the average output of the resistor ” Measurement” U ” ” – the 23rd output of the controller. Also with the current. 10A corresponds to a voltage of 2.5 V at the average output of the ” Gain” I ” resistor – the 24th output of the controller. You can simply connect the exact power devices to the output of the power supply unit and, by measuring the voltage, adjust the ” Measurement” U ” ” as necessary. Similarly, the current can be adjusted using a reference ammeter.

With this power supply, it is very convenient to charge any batteries. For example, to charge a lead 12V / 7A / h battery, set the voltage = 14.2 V, current = 0.7 – 1.5 A (according to the instructions for the battery). Connect the battery to the power supply, and if the charge current is greater than the set, it will be limited (this will drop the voltage). The indicator at this time will display the symbol ” ↓ ” (example Set I = 00.86A ↓ ) and the red LED will light up. When the current drops to the set value or below, the voltage will be limited. (At the same time, the LED and the symbol ” ↓ ” go out). Thus, the battery is charged at first with a stable current, and at the end of the charge – with a stable voltage.

From this power supply unit, I charged lithium batteries from mobile phones (I sometimes forget to charge the house, and not only me), a camera. In the photo, I just finished charging the battery from the phone. Lead batteries from UPS (in another application) 6B and 12V. I even had to charge the battery once in my car. I put 14.4 volts, 10A and during the night the battery was charged, and my power supply was tested.

Also, the power supply unit was used to power the 18-volt screwdriver. The current at the start was limited to 8 amps (specially), but it didn’t interfere with the drilling and tightening of screws (4.5 * 85 mm) – it was just a smoother start. In general, there are many applications of this BP.

At the beginning of the article, I mentioned a TWO-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY. So – no one forbids to collect two such power supply and put them together. In this case, you can turn them on in series and get up to 40 volts !!! I do not recommend parallel inclusion.

Well, in the end I will add a spoonful of tar. The ATMega8 is not a very high-quality ADC (only 10 bits), so the readings on the indicator all the time jump a little (last bit), but I doubt that you can achieve the best without using an external ADC or splitting the measurement range into several subranges. But it is already more difficult … I also want to add that the PCB does not interfere with the remake – to separate the analog and digital power, dissolve the earth according to the mind, and so on.


Lately, when I went deeper into programming, I was fascinated by precise A / D converters in microcontrollers. And so I decided to make a 2×32 LED VU meter with the ATmega8 microcontroller, which can be bought for example in GME for only 34Kc, and so it comes out much cheaper than the LM3915 which also serves as a VU meter, but only for 1×10 LEDs.Perhaps it is strange how I can control the 64 LEDs with I / O pins. This is solved by simply switching 4 columns with LEDs at high speed.
Photo of a VU meter constructed in a non-soldering field:
Photo of a VU meter constructed
Photo of finished VU-meter:
Photo of finished VU-meter
Photo of the finished VU-meter by dark:
finished VU-meter by dark
The circuit diagram is very simple. In the top right is a 5V stabilizer. If you have a directly stabilized 5V 400mA available, you can drop this part, but most of this will be used in amplifiers where we do not have stabilized 5V. The cooler must be placed on the 7805 stabilizer. The size of the chiller is given by the supply voltage, if the power supply is 12V, it will lose up to 3W, and there is still a relatively small cooler (see photo). However, at higher feed voltages, it is better to roll the stabilizer onto the wires and place it on a large cooler.
Below the Schematic Stabilizer, input audio adapters for A / D converters in the microcontroller. Set R1 and R2 trimmers to set the required sensitivity to the input signal.
On the right-hand side are transistors that quickly switch individual LED columns. And on the left are the LEDs themselves. LEDs need not be connected via any resistor due to the internal resistance of the microcontroller which limits the current to the LED to about 80mA, and due to the rapid switching of the 4 LED columns, a PWM modulation will be created to ensure that a current of about 20mA flows into one LED. Below 2x32LED LEDs there are 2 LEDs that are lit continuously and serve as power-on indicators.
In the center is the C3 microcontroller itself, which minimizes the A / D converter noise.


List of parts:
List of parts
When making PCBs, we pay attention to LED fields, where copper strips are close to each other, whether bad etching is not where they are to be connected.
When installing, be sure to first install 2 wire jumpers out of the leds and 16 LED jumpers. For PCs, I have long hesitated for what LEDs to create it. Originally I wanted to do it for 5mm LEDs, but the PCB would have to be very long (at 5mm spacing of 33cm in length), so I finally decided to make the PCB for 2x5mm LED, respectively 2.5x5mm. These LEDs are quite cheap to get, and in addition to the LEDs, it can be adjusted to any large LED.
We place the socket (DIL28PZ 7.5mm) on the IC1 slot so that we can easily program the microcontroller and eventually insert it into the PCB. We will not forget to place the cooler on the IC2.
At the place of the voltage and signal supply, we can either put the screw terminals into dps or simply lead the wires directly into the PCB.
PCB component side:
PCB component side
DPS link page:
DPS link page
For a complete description of the programming, refer to the Programming ATMEL microcontrollers .
So just copy the text below, copy it to the Notepad and save it with the .hex extension (eg VUmetr.hex). Then upload this hex file using PonyProg to the microcontroller.
The source code in C is uploaded HERE , you need to copy the code to the Notepad and save it with the .c or paste it directly into the development environment (avr studio).
The LED flashes at about 100Hz for as little noise as possible but can programmatically increase this frequency to 20kHz, but when you disconnect from the sound source, you hear a gentle whistling in the amplified sound.
Source: j.mp/aPvvO6 VU Meter Circuit files alternative link: atmega8-vu-metre-iki-kanal-64-led.rar



Pretty stylish digital clock circuit of the display to show information on the hours, but around kılasik made with 120 LEDs in display attracts attention also has an alarm feature. Microprocessor AT89C2051 LED clock…Electronics Projects, Atmel AT89C2051 Clock Circuit with LED Display “avr project, led projects, microcontroller projects, “




The clock is based on an Atmel AT89C2051 microcontroller. The AT89C2051 is a popular 8-bit 8051 clone with 2kB of Flash program memory and two universal parallel I/O ports. In this application it controls simple output devices: 4 seven-segment LED displays, an chain of serial shift registers, and a beeper. The only input to the microcontroller are 2 push-buttons connected via the external interrupt lines.

The microcontroller is driven by a 10MHz quartz. This value can be changed, but the timer interval variables must be modified adequately. Pins P1.0-P1.3 control the data input to all of the 74HC4543 LED drivers. Pins P1.4-P1.7 are responsible for latching the data. The microcontroller sequentially outputs the data and latches each display driver. The displays are typical 7-segment LED displays with common anodes.

The anodes are connected to +5V via four 1N400X diodes responsible for decreasing the voltage to a safe 2.5V. The two additional LEDs are for displaying the colon between the hour and minute.

Pin P3.7 triggers the acoustic generator based on a simple NE555 timer with a small transistor-driven speaker. This subcircuit is used by the clocks alarm.

The current second is displayed in a pseudo-analog way using 120 LEDs located on the clock dial’s perimeter. Two new LEDs are illuminated each second. The diodes are driven by eight 74HCT164 shift registers connected in a series into a big 64-bit register. The last 4 register outputs are not used and are loaded with normal 1k resistors.

Microcontroller output P3.0 is connected to the register’s input, while pin P3.1 simulates a clock line. Every full minute all 120 LEDs are lighted and the microcontroller must serially output 64 1’s to the register to turn them off.

The only input to the AT89C2051 are two NO (Normally-Open) keys located on the power supply. These 2 buttons are connected to the external interrupt lines INT0 and INT1. One of the keys is supposed to switch the currently modified variable (minutes, hours, alarm minutes, alarm hours), while the other increases that variable.

Source: https://320volt.com/en/at89c2051-ile-led-display-gostergeli-saat/ Atmel Clock Circuit files atmel-at89c2051-clock-circuit-with-led-display.zıp



AT89C52 examples of applications can be helpful for beginners of all samples prepared with simple 3 .5 source lines of code. Bass. Hex, bin, etc.. isis proteus have codes and simulation files. 0-255 binary…Electronics Projects, AT89C52 Applications Examples Proteus isis Circuits (10 projects) “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


AT89C52 examples of applications can be helpful for beginners of all samples prepared with simple 3 .5 source lines of code. Bass. Hex, bin, etc.. isis proteus have codes and simulation files.

0-255 binary counter (LEDs), 0-9 counter circuits (display), 00-99 advanced counter circuits (display, 7447), 00-99 down counter circuit (display, 7447), 0-9 Multiplexed LED Display counter (one on each display again)

0-9 counter Multiplexed LED Display (display on the increase), 00-99 forward counter Multiplexed LED Display, 00-99 down counter Multiplexed LED Display, ADC0831 digital potentiometer 0-255, ADC0831 LM35 temperature sensor use LCD display



source: https://320volt.com/en/at89c52-uygulamalari-proteus-isis-10-proje/ Isis circuit source simulation files the Atmel AT89C52: at89c52-applications-proteus-isis-circuits-10-projects.rar



90% of all leisure joke circuit television (including plasma, LCD) is said to work 30 … 50 meters in open space closes the television. Circuit made ATTINY85V-10 micro-controller circuit with two 1.5v AA battery…Electronics Projects, For all the television remote control (just off) “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


90% of all leisure joke circuit television (including plasma, LCD) is said to work 30 … 50 meters in open space closes the television. Circuit made ATTINY85V-10 micro-controller circuit with two 1.5v AA battery is working with quality alkaline batteries be used in the operating performance of the circuit increases.

This project transmits a bunch of TV POWER codes, one right after the other, with a pause in between each. (To have a visible indication that it is transmitting, it also pulses a visible LED once each time a POWER code is transmitted.) That is all TV-B-Gone does. The tricky part of TV-B-Gone was collecting all of the POWER codes, and getting rid of the duplicates and near-duplicates (because if there is a duplicate, then one POWER code will turn a TV off, and the duplicate will turn it on again (which we certainly do not want)

Source: ladyada.net Remote control circuit Alternative link: for-all-the-television-remote-control-just-off.rar alternative link 2 universal-tv-off.rar



Tiny Basic Controller (TBC) is a simple device that can operate as a PLC (program logic controller) for home automation, control, etc. For example, this one can dial-up by modem to the remote computer and control the system, can control some processes, temperature regulation, battery charging, can be used for education and hobby purposes.

TBC is more analogue and discrete input / output and an RS232 interface to communicate with other devices and to reflect a control program.The control program is a text version of the BASIC language. The main task of the controller is to interpret BASIC commands. The TBC version of the BASIC language has the functions of discrete I / O, ADC and PWM. The view of controller PCB is shown below in the figure 1.

Programmable Basic Controller (1) Figure 1 

Technical details:

1. Number of discrete inputs TTL or 5V CMOS 4
2. Number of discrete outputs TTL or 5V CMOS 4
3. Number of analogue inputs 0 … 5V 2
4. Number of PWM outputs 4
5. Communication by RS232:
Baud rate, bps 57600
Number of data bits 8
Number of stop bits 1
Parity bits none
Flow control:
6.Flow control:
Name BASIC program downloading stage hardware
Horse operating stage none
7.The language of embedded interpreter Tiny-Basic
8.Size of the user program area, bytes, more than 2000
9. Simple command operating time, less than uSec 500
10 Basic program storage place Flash program

10-bit PWM has a frequency of 5.4 kHz.
10-bit ADC Conversion time is about 30 usec, but real sampling depends on the program loop.
Current through discrete outputs must be limited up to 20 mA.
Note that an LED is connected to each of discrete outputs. The current is about 8 mA per LED

The schematic controller is shown in Figure 2.

Programmable Basic Controller (2)

Figure 2

Short description of schematic:

U3 is AVR microcontroller ATMEGA8.
The control program with thr BASIC interpreter for this controller is programmed by ISP after PCB is assembled. The firmware can be downloaded from here . We used the PonyProg programmer  connected via the connector XP3. The Figure 3 shows how the fuses should be programmed.

configuration and security bit

Figure 3

U1 is TTL / CMOS <-> RS232 transceiver
U2 is 5V voltage regulator
LS1 is a buzzer. This one can be any system caller. Make sure that the current drawn by pin U3: 5 is limited to 20 mA.
To prevent the user program from erasing there is the jumper JP1. When it is closed re-flashing of the user program is disabled.
LEDs D1 … D4 indicate state of discrete outputs.
LED D5 indicates the program state. When the program is run the D5 is turned on. When D5 is turned off it means that the program is stopped or waiting for the input (INPUT command) or a delay (DELAY command).
Push button switch SW1 controls the RESET line of microcontroller ATMEGA8.
Push button switches SW2 … SW5 are used as test signals for debug purposes.
To connect external circuits there are connectors XP1 and XP2.

TBC as a Black Box is shown on the figure 4.

Tiny basic controller

Figure 4

It is a good idea to use a socket for U3 then the full PCB can be used as a programmer for a minimal system based on TBC. The minimal system consists of AVR-microcontroller, three capacitors and a crystal oscillator plus the user circuit, of course.

The PCB layout is shown in the figure 5

PCB layout

Figure 5

The assembly diagram is shown below

assembly diagram (1)
Figure 6

assembly diagram (2)

assembly diagram (3)

Specific pins control commands and commands SCALE and REM were added to the Tiny Basic specification.

Console input / output is the same as it was years ago. We can now use a PC with running HyperTerminal as a console. A console is required when programming or if the program uses the INPUT or PRINT commands.

HyperTerminal or other terminal application must be set up as shown below:

Baud rate 57600 bps
Data / Stop bits 8/1
Parity None
Flow Control Hardware
Terminal emulation ANSII / VT100
Add sent CR with LF

User program downloading

There are two ways to download. The first one is using the text file option option of the terminal. The second way is to use paste from the clipboard if you are using Windows HyperTerminal, for example:

1.Make sure that jumper JP1 is open.
2.Connect TBC to PC by RS232 cable.
3.Power it up.
4.Start terminal application.
5.Press the reset button on the TBC.

You now have one second to send SPACE or ENTER from the terminal. SPACE is for download BASIC application and ENTER is for current BASIC program. When the one second interval expired the current application starts. If you hurry to send SPACE, after the reset button is pressed, you will get the message “Reflash …” on the terminal of the terminal. You must send the program text by paste from the clipboard or text sending option. TBC outputs a “W” symbol for each 64-bytes blocked flashed during programming operation. If you press SPACE instead of Enter, just list the current program, just press the reset button to cancel the reflash operation. The method of working with the TBC and a console is shown below. At first you should create program text in the notepad. Then copy the whole text to the clipboard.

TBC and a console

Figure 7

. There is a one second interval to send the SPACE symbol to the TBC to activate the downloading process.

Press the reset button on TBC

Figure 8

Send text by terminal We can see the re-flashing process

Send text by terminal

Figure 9

When the re-flashing process is finished, the message “OK” is sent. To start the application, press the reset button, the application will run. You can see that you only need to have the simplest editor and terminal in your kitchen to program the TBC. You can use a palm on your PC as well. A PDA console is shown below:

PDA console

Figure 10

Controller version of Tiny Basic


All numbers are signed integers and must be between -32767 and 32767.


There are 26 variables denoted by the letters A through Z. These are represented internally as 16-bit, two-complement integers.

Arithmetic operators

All operations are performed to 16 bits of precision. Arithmetic operations which overflow 15 bits of magnitude will cause an error message.

The arithmetic operators are:
+ addition.
– subtraction
* multiplication.
/ integer division (note that 14/5 = 2).
% remainder from division (14 MOD 5 = 4).
& bit-wise logical AND (3 AND 6 = 2)
| bit-wise logical OR (3 or 6 = 7) Arithmetic operations result in a value between -32767 and 32767.

Compare Operators:

> bigger than.
<less than.
= equal to.

Note that comparison operators can not be used in expression.


Expressions are created with numbers and variables with arithmetic operators between them. Operations are performed with three levels of precedence. The first step is to perform Unary operations (+, -), then Multiplicative operations (*, /,%, &), additive operations (+, -, |). Within each precedence level, the value of an expression is computed from left to right. Parentheses can also be used to alter the order of assessment.


Label is a set from 1 to 3 digits. Labels must be set before line that is a point to jump or is a start line of subroutine.



PRINT linefeed (LF) and carriage return (CR) added to the output
There is PRINT Send variable in decimal form to the console and add CR and LF
PRINT “message” Send message to the console and add CR and LF
PRINT x, y, z, Send list of variables, comma number of spaces to set output to the next position of tabulation.
Comma at the end of line cancel add CR and LF
PRINT x; y; z; Send list of variables and string. Semicolon allows output more than one variables or strings at one line.
Semicolon at the end of line cancel add CR and LF
PRINT “$”; y; $ -version of PRINT command. It allows sending single symbol by symbol code.
Semicolon at the top of the line and add CR and LF


INPUT Output “?” And wait for input value. Puts value to variable X after receiving CR
INPUT “prompt”, there is Output prompt and waiting for input value. Puts value to variable X after receiving CR
INPUT “$”, there is Waiting for a single symbol. Put symbol code to variable C


IF condition THEN expression If condition is true expression is calculated
IF condition THEN GOTO label If the condition is true, go to line with label
IF condition THEN GOSUB label If condition is true subroutine with label is called


FOR var = start_value TO end_value
REM Put statements here
Execute a number of times.
number = end_value – start_value + 1


GOTO label Jump to the label.


GOSUB label Call subroutine labeled as label


  REM Example  


RETURN Return from subroutine


END Stop execution


There’s ADC Read current channel of ADC and put value into variable


DAC expression Output result of expression to PWM channel


SETB expression Set bitwise


CLRB expression Clear bit is the result of expression


TSTB variable, expression Read bit value is the value of the variable


DELAY variable, expression Form delay in msec is the result of expression


SCALE variable, multiplier, divider Operator of scaling. Does actions:
1.TMP32 = variable * multiplier
2.variable = TMP32 / divider


STOP Stop operator. Use for debug purpose in simulator


REM Just a comment Comment operator. Interpreter does not execute this line

TBC system bits

Input bits

1 Discrete input # 1
2 Discrete input # 2
3 Discrete input # 3
4 Discrete input # 4
126 Flag that signals about data in the console buffer

Example 1. The program does an infinite cycle that reads the state of the console

  100 TSTB X, 1  
  IF X = 1 THEN PRINT "1"  
  IF X = 0 THEN PRINT "0"  
  GOTO 100  

Example 2. The program reads the state of the console and executes some background tasks. If there is a data in the console buffer, it execute the INPUT command to read the data and output it to the console.

  rem Do something else as background task 
  tstb a, 126  
  if a = 0 then goto 10  
  input "$", b  
  print "$"; b;  
  goto 10  

Output bits

1 Discrete output # 1
2 Discrete output # 2
3 Discrete output # 3
4 Discrete output # 4
127 Sound enabled / disabled – 1/0
128 Switch to ADC channel:
0 – channel # 1
1 – channel # 2

Example. The program forms double beep

  GOSUB 200  
  GOSUB 200  
  200 SETB 127  
  DELAY 100  
  CLRB 127  
  DELAY 100  

Read more Detail: http://www.cqham.ru Atmega8 plc circuit alternative link: atmega8-programmable-controller-board-electronic-plc-circuit.rar alternative link2 alternative link3



Transistor very useful for testing the circuit, but I do not know more pic programming with atmel series in seeing this type of advanced applications get confused 🙂 Transistor test circuit, BJT, MOSFET, triac,…Electronics Projects, Transistor Tester Circuit ATMega8 LCD Display “atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Transistor very useful for testing the circuit, but I do not know more pic programming with atmel series in seeing this type of advanced applications get confused 🙂

Transistor test circuit, BJT, MOSFET, triac, thyristor, JFET transistors and diodes can be measured. Source software and diagrams drawn with eagle pcb files there.



When the microcontroller ATmega8 has been selected. He has more than enough flash and RAM. He also has enough port pins and is very reasonably priced. The transistor tester is powered by a 9V battery. The 5V operating voltage for the AVR is quite conventionally generated with a 78L05. On port B of the ATMega8 various resistors are connected: the transistor pin a large (470 k) and a small (680Ω). Hereby two different currents can be applied to the test pin. The resistors are connected to ADC0, ADC1 and ADC2. At these pins and the transistor under test is connected. The left part of the circuit (with the 3 transistors) is responsible for the automatic shutdown. More on that later. On the first pins of port D, the LCD is connected. This is a 2×16 character text LCD with HD44780 compatible controller.

It should be noted that the test inputs do not have a protective circuit. A suppressor would probably distort the measurement results. It should therefore not be components that are still installed in a circuit under test. Otherwise, the ATMega8 could be damaged.



Automatic recognition of the NPN and PNP transistors, N-and P-channel MOSFETs, diodes (including double-diode), thyristors, triacs and resistors and capacitors.
Automatic calculation and display of the pins of the component to be tested
Detection and display of the protective diodes for transistors and MOSFETs
Determining the gain and the base-emitter forward voltage at transistors
Measurement of the gate threshold voltage and gate capacitance of the MOSFET
Display the values on a text LCD (2 * 16 characters)
Duration of a component testing: Less than 2 seconds (Exception: larger capacitors)
One-button operation; automatic shutdown
Power consumption in off mode: <20 nA Source: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/ Transistor Tester Circuit files alternative link: transistor-tester-circuit-atmega8-lcd-display.rar alternative link2 alternative link3



Light following robot circuit board on attiny25v not very complicated circuit Lithium-polymer battery provided with the circuit feeding the tiny H-bridge output (2N3904) drive motors are controlled with two LDR light is perceived. As… Electronics Projects, Light Following Robot with Atmel ATtiny25 “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Light following robot circuit board on attiny25v not very complicated circuit Lithium-polymer battery provided with the circuit feeding the tiny H-bridge output (2N3904) drive motors are controlled with two LDR light is perceived. As you can see in the pictures material placement and cute 🙂 quite well also in the video seemed to be running very stable robot.


The materials used in the robot at half;

Attiny25v (microcontroller)
MPC1700 (3.3v regulator)
2X 10 kOhm resistor
2X 470 ohm resistor
2X 2N3904 transistor
2X 1N4148 diode
100nF capacitor
100uF capacitor
Lithium-polymer battery 3.7 V 100 mA
2X Fuse holder
Pager motor 2X
Heat-shrinkable sleeving
rubber tubing
6-pin ISP connector

atmel-robot (1) atmel-robot (2)

Atmel attiny25v following robot project with the source of light c eagle pcb software and shared schema files Source: http://tinkerlog.com/2009/07/24/tiny-braitenberg-vehicle/ alternative link: light-following-robot-with-atmel-attiny25.rar alternative link 2: Light Following Robot.rar



Hi, I have done recently attiny2313’l usb application (ATTINY2313 PIC16F88 USB UART converter circuit) then one needs at this time on I did with ATmega8. RS232 portion of the circuit 15 disuse I /… Electronics Projects, Atmel Atmega8 via USB Control Circuit “atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Hi, I have done recently attiny2313’l usb application (ATTINY2313 PIC16F88 USB UART converter circuit) then one needs at this time on I did with ATmega8. RS232 portion of the circuit 15 disuse I / O pin with a control board that communicates via usb I designed.

Available in 15 out of 15 relay circuit on a plaque by Cover with too much space. Relay outputs to observe instead I added diodes. We also work with 1,2,3 led to the exit to observe’ve added 3 relays. Circuit fine çalışıyor.atmega8 ‘s usb output due to the hassle of opening and closing process is a bit slow, but speed is sufficient for the control board.

Atmega8 to strengthen the output to the output buffer uln2804’ve added. On the circuit diodes, relays, uln2804 ATmega8 with elements such as external power supply from the USB USERNAME 3.3v regulated with integrated fed. This combination works very well with ATmega8 ATmega8 3.3v 12MHz speed asm code avr309 application note available in the Docs give errors when compiling asm file I found on the internet because I have installed a hex file works fine.







USB control circuit schematic  pcb code files: atmel-atmega8-via-usb-control-circuit.RAR



Mobile phones with Nokia 3410 LCD screens often used microcontrollers Atmel ATmega8 and cywm6935 nokia 3410 LCD modules made with a 2.4 GHz spectrum analyzer circuit Handheld 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer Circuit After visiting… Electronics Projects, 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer Circuit Nokia 3410 LCD ATmega8 “atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Mobile phones with Nokia 3410 LCD screens often used microcontrollers Atmel ATmega8 and cywm6935 nokia 3410 LCD modules made with a 2.4 GHz spectrum analyzer circuit




After visiting some web pages about 2.4 GHz ISM band spectrum analyzers based on the CYWM6935 module, I tried to build my own analyzer, but with some improvements. The references I found on the net used the parallel port or a serial link to a host computer. I want the analyzer to be portable, and easy to transport, so I will use a microcontroller and a graphical LCD.

I had also some old Nokia phones, so maybe I can use phone plastic box and build in LCD to make my own portable analyzer, but… Does it can be done? Let’s see:

Microcontroller: The microcontroller would be an ATMega8 running at 3.3 volts because both the the LCD module and the CYWM6935 are 3.3 volts devices. The ATMega8 will do nicely the job even running with low internal clock rates, so I choose to run it at 4 MHz using the internal oscillator.

LCD: The LCD would be the one from the phone, in this case a Nokia 3410. The LCD uses a PCD8544, so it must be easy to work with it. There are many code around to use this kind of LCD controllers

Battery: This phones can use two kind of batteries: Li-ion and Ni-Mh, but both types are equivalent from the equipment’s point of view. Useful voltage range is 4.2 down to 3.6 volts. My first idea was to use a voltage regulator to 3.3 volts, but I didn´t find a suitable one, so I choose to put a single 1N4004 diode between the battery and the circuit. The useful range (4.2 town to 3.6 volts) minus the 0.6 volts drop out at the diode will be seen as 3.6 down to 3.0 volts at the circuit supply. The LCD and CYWM6935 module can work from 2.7 up to 3.6 volts, so everything must work safely.
The prototype

I mounted a prototype to test module and microntroller functions when I found my first problem. According to the info on Internet, Nokia’s 3410 LCD uses a PCD8544 controller, the same as the Nokia 3310 LCD, so both LCD can be driven with the same firmware. Yes and no. Both LCD use the same PCD8544 instructions set, but screen resolutions are different. Original Nokia 3310 LCD is 84 x 48 pixels, but Nokia’s 3410 LCD is 96 x 65 pixels, so LCD routines must be rewritten to use the new resolution.

After rewriting the routines, you must expect a working LCD, isn’t it? Not again. The Nokia 3410 LCD have a visible resolution of 96 x 65 pixels, but the real resolution inside the LCD controller is 102 x 72 pixels, so you must to have this in mind while writing your code.

Left: Nokia 3410 LCD with Nokia 3310 routines. Right: Nokia 3410 LCD with correct resolution routines

The second problem was the CYWM6935 module. Timings and a correct module initialization is very important for optimum performance, so once everything was OK, I saw my first 2.4 GHz spectrum display with my test signal: A wireless camera working on 2468 MHz.


After many tests, I found the different ways to show the spectrum in the display, one to display fast digital signals (like wifi, bluetooth, etc), one to display analog signals (wireless cameras, wireless phones, etc) and one to show a average use of the whole band. To switch easily between these modes I will need a pair of buttons, and because working with batteries, an on screen voltmeter would be nice. This can be easily accomplished with microcontroller’s ADC, so the final schematics for the portable 2.4 GHz spectrum analyzer is finished.

A Nokia 3410 case has a lot of space to mount components, but with one important limitation: You can not go higher that 3.3 millimeter, the height of the original Nokia PCB, so SMD components will help you to accomplish this.

To keep my components under 3.3 millimeter high, I needed to make holes in the PCB to accommodate the PDIP ATMega8 microcontroller and the two buttons. Once the holes are made, I glued together the PCB with the LCD plastic case, in this way I could solder the tiny LCD contacts to the pads with wire.

The CYWM6935 module is well above the 3.3mm limit, but it can be placed at the phone’s antenna place if previously you cut the module to strip off the transmission antenna: It will not be used.

Once every component is in place, I made the connections with thin insulated wire. This is the final result, not beautiful, but fully functional:

The software is written in C using arv-gcc under Windows (WinAVR). LCD routines are based on Fandi Gunawan’s Nokia 3310 routines and CYWM6935 routines are based on the code of Jason Hecker (see at the bottom for details). The program runs continuously and make around six or seven scans (from 2400 up to 2495 MHz) per second, displaying data in almost real time.

There are three display modes implemented:

Fast: Display amplitude data directly from the module with no processing. This mode is suitable for searching analog signals (with carrier).

Slow: Update amplitude data on screen only if current signal is greater than the previous one, if not, displayed signal is decreased by one until it reach zero. This mode is useful to see digital signals, that usually comes in bursts. The fast and slow mode work much like the AGC setting in a communication receiver.

Exposure: In this mode, the signal is updated in the screen only if current value is grater than the previous one. In this way, running this mode for a few seconds or minutes, you can get a nice photo of the spectrum usage around you. The reset button just clears the display to start a new exposure.


The analyzer has become my best travel companion. It’s very discrete: everyone think you are playing with a mobile phone!. You can see in a moment what are the used frecuencies / channels at your location. One of the most interesting things if to carry it in the pocket in exposure mode and walk sometime in your neighborhood. In this way you can find easily what are the free frecuencies or channels. With the time, I learned how to distinguish between different devices:

WI-FI signals: In exposure mode they have a nice rounded shape about 20-22 MHz wide at most.

Wireless FM cameras (and ATV signals): You can see clearly the carrier and the modulation. If the video signal have sound, you can see a pair of sidebands about 6 or 7 MHz from the main carrier.

Bluetooth devices: This devices are difficult to detect, except in exposure mode. They appear as random peaks all over the spectrum up to 2483 MHz.

Microwave owens: Just full scale noise. I noticed the center frecuency drifts with the owen load: If nothing is inside the owen, the center drift up several MHz. Usually they are centered around 2450 having a noise bandwidth of about 60 or more MHz. Of course, they are the main signals at breakfast, lunch and dinner time.

Other devices: There are many other signals in the band unidentified. Some of them are analogic, other one are digital, but usually a few MHz width. I suspect they are low rate devices, like wireless keyboards or such devices. I have also detect some places with strong carriers, most of then around 2440 MHz. I don’t know what they are yet.

Out of band signals: The ICM band ends at 2483.5 MHz, but the analyzer scans up to 2495 MHz. I usually use this segment as a noise reference, but sometimes I had found signals in this area. Some of them seems to be spurs from ICM devices, but others are not…

The most used frecuency is always the segment 2450 – 2470 MHz, wifi channel 11. I suppose this is the common default channel in many many wireless routers and access points.

If you have reached this, you would notice there are two missing things in the analyzer. The first one is an on / off switch. Where can I install a switch without damage the appearance? Originally it was placed at the top of the phone, but now there is located the module, and it is no good idea to place wires near its antenna. But I must admit I didn’t miss an on/off switch. The analyzer consumes less than 15 mA, so it can work some days continuously with the typical 900 mAh battery from this phones.

The second missing thing is a build-in battery charger. It would be nice to implement a little Li-ion battery charger, but these kind of batteries must be charged very carefully. If I found an small Li-ion integrated circuit charger, I would try to install it inside, using the original charger jack, and of course, the original phone charger. Meanwhile I charge the batteries outside, in a spare Nokia 3330 I have lying around.

Source: https://320volt.com/en/nokia-3410-atmega8-2-4-ghz-spectrum-analyzer-devresi/ Spectrum Analyzer Circuit alternative link: 2-4-ghz-spectrum-analyzer-circuit-nokia-3410-lcd-atmega8.rar



Printed circuit board drilling machine on the Atmel AT89C2051 microcontroller L297 L298 motor drivers.. software does not open hex code provided free computer control program, but other parts of the circuit (motor drives, serial… Electronics Projects, CNC Drilling Machine Control Dirve Board Atmel AT89C2051 L297 L298 “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Printed circuit board drilling machine on the Atmel AT89C2051 microcontroller L297 L298 motor drivers.. software does not open hex code provided free computer control program, but other parts of the circuit (motor drives, serial communications, etc..) Print circuit drawing can be useful.


Source: www2.arnes.si CNC Drilling Machine circuit board schematic pcb code files alternative link:cnc-drilling-machine-control-dirve-board-atmel-at89c2051-l297-l298.rar alternative link2



A very interesting robot project ratchet içintasarl been cleaning the flapper cleaner robot brain of the system microcontroller atmel at90ls8535 source software given c. Uygulayamasa sections of the circuit on the robot project source… Electronics Projects, Micro Robotic Fly screen cleaner AT90LS8535 Robot BUG “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


A very interesting robot project ratchet içintasarl been cleaning the flapper cleaner robot brain of the system microcontroller atmel at90ls8535 source software given c.

Uygulayamasa sections of the circuit on the robot project source software can be useful, especially H-bridge motor driver section hyperlinked’s MOSFET driver stage

Screen Cleaner Robot Project

Screen Cleaner Robot Project

Mr. FISC (Micro Robotic Fly & Insect Screen Cleaner), was designed to help the average household owner reclaim their free time, by automatically cleaning household fly screens. The goal was to produce a device that would achieve this task with little or no human input, and be sized and priced appropriately for the average Australian family. Like many other household appliances, Mr. FISC is designed to operate using standard AA battery cells.

A wide range of technologies were engineered into the design including:

3.3V Low power electronics
Micro controllers
Micro DC motors
Battery power

Mr. FISC uses a dry brushing technique to remove foreign material from the fly screen. As Mr. FISC drives along, it drags beneath it hard and soft brushing material ensuring the surface and gaps of the fly screen mesh are well cleaned. Magnets are used to clamp Mr. FISC and a backing plate on opposing sides of the screen. This allows the backing plate to freely follow along as cleaning takes place.

Future developments could see the introduction of solar power, to charge and operate the device. Reductions in size are also a possibility, using smaller motors and a custom gearing system. This would also result in a smaller power requirement, which means fewer battery cells and further decreases in size.

Source: https://320volt.com/en/sineklik-temizleme-robotu-atmel-at90ls8535-bocek-robot/ Author: Andrew Noel Oudyn Robotic Fly screen cleaner project files alternative link: micro-robotic-fly-screen-cleaner-at90ls8535-robot-bug.raralternative link2 alternative link3



Prepared by: Volkan Sahin – First of all you need to know when the project was challenging but, if there is the possibility worthwhile 🙂 CX4200 Epson inkjet to print text by modifying the… Electronics Projects, PCB Printing with Epson CX4200 inkjet Printer Modified “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


Prepared by: Volkan Sahin – First of all you need to know when the project was challenging but, if there is the possibility worthwhile 🙂 CX4200 Epson inkjet to print text by modifying the pcb can make. For this, as well as many mechanical arrangement comes into work in electronic circuits on a chip reset epson printer cartridge reset operation is necessary to have in the program.

Attention: To do, electronic, mechanical changes may cause damage to your printer using a printer I suggest that you remove the review 🙂

HIP4068 in the project based on the drive and control circuits are üzerinekurul msp430x12x microcontroller. I do not care to research a topic before I will not go into much detail hopefully inspire the business benefits of people who are interested. Thanks to the people who contributed to prepare.





Source: https://320volt.com/en/epson-inkjet-yazici-ile-pcb-basma-cx4200-modifiye/  code fils alternative link Epson-inkjet-pcb-yazici.rar alternative link2 alternative link3




Power LED driver circuit based on Atmel ATmega8 is working with 12 volt 3 1 watt Luxeon power LEDs with PWM buck converter is operated ATmega-8 a good example source code to solve logic… Electronics Projects, Power LED Driver Circuit LED Current Sources Atmega8 PWM “atmega8 projects, avr project, led projects, microcontroller projects, pwm circuits, “


Power LED driver circuit based on Atmel ATmega8 is working with 12 volt 3 1 watt Luxeon power LEDs with PWM buck converter is operated ATmega-8 a good example source code to solve logic diagram drawing have PCBs.



LUTW stands for Light Up The World which is an organisation which aims to assist poor and remote villages in developing countries obtain a reliable and affordable White Light Emitting Diode (WLED) based form of lighting.

The WLEDs being used in this project are a revolutionary, energy efficient and ultra compact new light source, combing the lifetime and reliabilty advantages of Light Emitting Diodes (LED)with the brightness of conventional lighting. These WLEDs require more power than conventional LEDs and to ensure optimum light output, they must be driven at a constant current.

Due to variations of the forward voltage drop across these WLEDs, a smart driving circuit is required to drive up to three of these WLEDs at their optimum power levels whilst also protecting them against voltage and current surges.

The driver that has been developed is a micro-controller based circuit that operates using the buck converter topology. The current in each WLED is constantly sensed by the micro-controller which then adjusts it’s PWM output into the power electronics stage which then drives the WLED.


The following report documents the procedures and methods used to design and implement an LED driver module. A chapter-by-chapter overview is detailed below.

Chapter 2 of this document contains background information on the Luxeon LED’s along with detailing relevant converter theory, which is crucial in further understanding of the design sections. An overview of currently available devices is also contained in the section.

Chapter 3 derives the specifications of the driver to be developed. It achieves this by breaking down the driver into subsystems; with the specifications, both hardware and software, of the final driver derived from the individual requirements of each subsystem.

Chapter 4 details how the project was originally planned, with goals and milestones being developed. It also details how these original plans changed and how new milestones were set and achieved.

Chapter 5 details the hardware implementation of the driver. It starts by describing the requirements of the hardware and how the hardware was selected for the system noting possible component alternatives. Furthermore, this chapter comments on the key hardware implementation decisions made.

Chapter 6 contains the software implementation of the driver, outlining the requirements of the software and how it is used to control the hardware of the driver.

Chapter 7 details how the final implantation of the hardware and software meets the design specifications of Chapter 3. The result of testing the final product and the functionality of it is compared with the original specifications. The author’s performance in completing this thesis is also reviewed, with the strengths and weaknesses of the author evaluated, along with which additional skills were gained in order to complete the project.

Chapter 8 gives an outline on how this project could possibly be improved, and suggests additions and optimizations that could be implemented into the current design as well as into any future versions of this device.

Chapter 9 provides a brief overview of the entire project, outlining the goals of the project, what was actually achieved and how well it performed. This chapter also summarises conclusions which were made previously in this report.

source: https://320volt.com/en/atmega8-pwm-luxeon-power-led-surucu-buck-konvertor/ Power LED Driver Circuit LED Current Sources Atmega8 PWM alternative link: power-led-driver-circuit-led-current-sources-atmega8-pwm.raralternative link2 alternative link3



The use of solar energy will be the topic for a long time an active electronic circuit is used a lot in this business at one of these inverter dc to ac converters. Ac… Electronics Projects, 100Watt PV Panel Converter Atmega8 100W DC to AC ICL7667 ETD34 “atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “


The use of solar energy will be the topic for a long time an active electronic circuit is used a lot in this business at one of these inverter dc to ac converters. Ac dc voltage from PV module circuit (240Vac) is turning 100 watts of power system voltage control provided by Atmel ATmega8. ATmega to drive MOSFETs in the output ICL7667 (Dual-Power MOSFET Driver) The transformer used etd34

All details about the circuit formula’s calculations also pcb circuit diagrams and drawings given ATMega8 software.

Most excellent of all the floors of the circuit given in separate schemas (PV current, voltage sensing, drivers, etc..) You can use this circuit for different applications or projects can be useful in the calculations.



The Inverter Module is designed to connect a 100W PV panel directly to the 240V AC grid. The module consists of a DC-DC boost converter and a DC-AC inverter. The design focus was to totally isolate the DC-DC converter from the DC-AC inverter. The only coupling between the two sides is the DC bus voltage. The AC side regulates the 350V bus by adjusting the average alternating current output from the module. The DC side adjusts the input terminal voltage, to track the Maximum Power Point of the PV panel.

The focus of this thesis was the development of the Half Bridge Dual DC-DC converter stage. As most power loss occurs in the DC boost stage, efficiency was a major design issue. Efficiencies around 95% were aimed for. A micro-controller is used for controlling the converter, and ensuring that maximum power is transferred from the PV panel to the DC bus capacitor. This required the development of a Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm.

The resulting prototype tracks the maximum power point of the PV panel, and transfers maximum power to the 350V bus with efficiencies above 90%. The major sources of power loss are transformer and inductor core and copper losses, and MOSFET switching and conduction losses. Efficiency was improved by focusing on these areas.

soruce: https://320volt.com/en/atmega8-pv-modul-icin-100w-dc-ac-konvertor-icl7667-etd34/ 100Watt PV Panel Converter Atmega8 100W DC to AC ICL7667 ETD34 alternative link: 100watt-pv-panel-converter-atmega8-100w-dc-to-ac-icl7667-etd34.rar alternative link2 alternative link3



Before “Broken HDD Evaluate under the heading” corrupted hard disks to assess a few apps I’ve used on the web with the sandpaper I I told you about that time had projects now hardisk… Electronics Projects, HDD Clock Circuit Atmel ATmega128 DS1307 TDA5410 Motor Driver “avr project, led projects, microcontroller projects, “


Before “Broken HDD Evaluate under the heading” corrupted hard disks to assess a few apps I’ve used on the web with the sandpaper I I told you about that time had projects now hardisk hours but very professional on shared projects and all resources are shared

Other active integrated circuit based on atmel atmega128 is the ds1307 rtc clock and tda5410 dc motor drive. It also can be controlled with the remote control, there’s a large part of the RS232 Communications section of the hard drive is equipped with smd rgb LEDs have a variety of effects


In short, the principle of operation is simple – the rotating plate has a cut-out slot. At the plate are RGB LEDs, fulfilling the role of uniform illumination. Accordingly modulated LED light gives the effect shown in the photograph.

The controller is based on ATMEGA128 microcontroller. Immediately will anticipate questions Wiz malcontents, saying that the program does not take as much as 10% of the volume of flash memory. But I needed a fairly large number of peripherals that do not bend over too much of the application (all written in C). As a real-time clock used a DS1307 system. The motor is controlled by a dedicated control TDA5140A working in the standard configuration of the datasheet. The device is equipped with an RS232 interface, through which the deposit has it all together, you can load new software, using the bootloader Megaload. Control dispenses with a small universal remote working in RC5 standard. The same PCB made by photochemical irradiated way “on the envelope”

SMD materials used in a large part of the universe. Atmel’s software and design matter a lot for (rgb, PWM, You stay away from the control, motor drives, etc.). Sure to be a good example of all the source files are Defective hard disk too costly to evaluate an application challenging, but the results are super

source : https://320volt.com/en/atmel-atmega128-ds1307-tda5410-hard-disk-saat/ HDD Clock Circuit Atmel ATmega128 DS1307 TDA5410 Motor Driver alternative link: hdd-clock-circuit-atmel-atmega128-ds1307-tda5410-motor-driver.rar alternative link2 alternative link3



All details were shared with the marquee circuit computer control program atmel at90s2313 source software image format PCB, schematics and drawings have OrCAD source. The marquee on the circuit The marquee circuit 350 leds… Electronics Projects, Atmel AT90S2313 Computer-Controlled Scrolling LED Text “avr project, microcontroller projects, “


All details were shared with the marquee circuit computer control program atmel at90s2313 source software image format PCB, schematics and drawings have OrCAD source.
The marquee on the circuit

The marquee circuit 350 leds microcontroller atmel at90s2313 LEDs 7 74HC595 is driven by over computer font information with serial ports are pc software windows xp works with also the program’s source for Borland C + + files are.



50 x 7 LED
Computer link RS232 (serial port)
The optional static text or dynamic text (from the computer)
Automatic text source selection
The longest static text length of 768 characters
Programmable text, 256 different characters
Character width of 0-5 pixels (+ optional blank column)


Electronic circuits and computer to combine a wonderful thing, unfortunately about programming I do not know, but C + + dealing with and electronic information for people with a marquee program will be very useful by developing different applications or pic series micro controllers can be arranged for, I think. Also features a handy moon face is very good also “Play from the web” option enabled on the web from a site article can be sent to

Source: https://320volt.com/en/bilgisayar-kontrollu-kayan-yazi-at90s2313-74hc595/ Computer Scrolling circuit schematic pcb etc. alternative link: atmel-at90s2313-computer-controlled-scrolling-led-text.rar alternative link2 alternative link3

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